“Miss Saigon” at Folketeateret, Oslo – Reviews and recommendations

There are stories that are easy to tell. And then there are those that are more complicated. The musical “Miss Saigon” belongs among them. He is a beloved, but also controversial musical – among other reasons for how people from Vietnam have been portrayed on stage. As I see it, the production company Scenekvelder has worked thoroughly and honestly with “Miss Saigon”. The result is a strong musical experience. STYLISH: The scenography in “Miss Saigon” creates great rooms. Leading: Catharina Vu as Kim and Olivie Skjelseth Nguyen as Tam. Photo: Fredrik Arff Rakrygga During the Vietnam War, 17-year-old Kim sees his family being wiped out. She is picked up by a pimp and taken to a brothel where American soldiers come to have fun. There she meets the soldier Chris, and they fall in love. But the Americans suddenly withdrew from Vietnam. Chris can’t take Kim with him. He leaves, Kim flees to Bangkok. He starts a new life in the US, she brings up their son (which he doesn’t know about). Finally they meet again. Stage evenings have waited a long time to stage “Miss Saigon” – they have been waiting for the right actors for the roles. They want to include as many people as possible with a Vietnamese background, and they have searched. It was worth it. COMPLICATED LOVE: Kim (Catharina Vu) and Chris (Sigurd Vespestad Marthinussen) find each other. But war and love are not always a good combination, not even in “Miss Saigon”. Photo: Fredrik Arff Catharina Vu speler Kim. Among other things, Vu is known as the au pair Pim in the news series “Exit”, but she also has several performances behind her at Det Norske Teatret, where she received acting training. The role of Kim must be the role of her life. She has made great strides as a shoe player, found a kind of peace, and she plays Kim with weight, confidence and her heart on the outside. Like the other prostitutes, Kim is straight-backed and strong, more than a victim. The women in this setup are not dirty or submissive. They have made their choices. MUSICAL FROM THE VIETNAM WAR: See features from the Saturday revue on 25 August. Fresh breath The Americans are not just heroes either. They deal with the brothel, especially when they are ordered home, but also feel guilty. Chris gets married and gets rid of his trauma – but he doesn’t tell his wife about Kim until he has to. His life becomes even more complicated when he learns that he is a father. Sigurd Vespestad Marthinussen plays the difficult part for Chris. How will he help Kim and his son and at the same time continue the life he has at home in the USA? FRAGILE AND BEAUTIFUL: Hope in war is as fragile as a balloon. Photo: Fredrik Arff “Miss Saigon” is full of complications, and not all tangles can be resolved. The pimp, The Engineer, is played by experienced Duc Mai-The, and he is like a breath of fresh air into the crew. The number “The American Dream” is one of the highlights of the musical – among other things because it is so unpolished, strange and beautiful all at once. He is a pimp, of course he is cunning, but at the same time he represents what war can do to people. One must save oneself. SIGGANDE AND SOKKELAUS: Duc Mai-The plays a major role as The Engineer in “Miss Saigon”. Photo: Fredrik Arff Sit i Scenography creates good spaces on stage in the Folketeateret this time. Dollars are sprinkled from the ceiling, and in a spectacular scene the Americans flee in a helicopter. But what remains, what I appreciated most, apart from the beautiful music, is how the complicated war history is allowed to be complicated. How there isn’t always a solution or a happy ending for everyone. Several of those on stage are descendants of boat refugees from the Vietnam War. They know what they play and sing about. “Miss Saigon” is impossible not to get caught up in. The musical stays in. For a long time. news reviews Photo: Fredrik Arff Title: “Miss Saigon” Where: Folketeateret, Oslo Written by: Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alain Boublil Cast: Catharina Vu, Sigurd Marthinussen, Duc Mai-The, Espen Grjotheim, Sanne Kvitnes, Karen Bernardino, Carl Sohlberg Ensemble: Carl Martin Prebensen, Matias Steen Hauge, Marius Grønsdal, Thomas Brasel, Carlisle Sienes, Bao Andre Nguyen, Carl Aquilizan, Benjamin Windborg, Katarina Lund, Andrea Rymoen, Thúy-Linda Nguyen Luu, Martine Hattestad Kveli, Evelina Schilling Executive producer: Karianne Jæger Artistic director/musical manager: Atle Halstensen Director: Guy Unsworth Translation: Atle Halstensen Scenography and props: David Woodhead Costume designer: Jean Chan Choreographer: Cressida Carré Lighting designer: Matt Haskins Conductor: Bendik Eide Cultural advisor: Thuy-Linda Nguyen Luu Game period: September 1–11. November 2023
