Passover chaos can affect the holiday of 300,000 Norwegians – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Because in addition to the 132,000 Norwegians who have already canceled or postponed their holiday abroad due to a lack of passports, 176,000 more fear that they may have to cancel or postpone the holiday trip. For 308,000 Norwegians, the holiday abroad is an increasingly distant dream. It shows a survey Norstat has conducted for NRK. Outside the police station in Greenland, NRK today met several people who were given a cold shower. – Oi, that’s bad news! Marakh Bokili is one of those who attended his assigned pass lesson today. She had plans to holiday in Morocco, leaving in early July. The long delivery time came as a surprise. CHANGES: The passport will come too late anyway. Now Marakh Bokili has to plan a new trip, and it will probably be domestic. Photo: Bjørne Østrem Djukastein / NRK – Maybe I can not travel anyway, she says. The survey shows that 986,000 Norwegians have already applied for passports or have plans to apply this year. On May’s last day, the expected delivery time for passports is seven weeks. If you have an appointment today, it can appear in the mailbox the penultimate week of the joint holiday, to accompany the police. The police expect that the delivery time will increase over the summer. The delay for new passports is due to two years with few trips abroad and serious delivery problems. Young people are the most vulnerable The survey shows that the passport chaos affects the younger part of the population the hardest. – This is the first summer after the corona, and without restrictions, the desire to travel is great. The younger part of the population may also travel more often, says Mads Motrøen. RING EFFECTS: Fewer trips abroad also had negative ripple effects for the tourism industry, says Mads Motrøen in Norstat. Photo: Halldor Asvall / NRK He is responsible for political polls in Norstat. The results from the survey show that the younger part of the population, those under 50, are also overrepresented among those who apply for a new passport. – One in ten families with children has canceled or postponed the holiday trip, or fears they will have to cancel, says Motrøen. This weekend, Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) said that a possible solution is European countries that relax the rules for letting into the country with expired passports. The Ministry of Justice has not had the opportunity to comment on figures for Norwegians’ ruined holidays. The survey Photo: Oddgeir Sæle The survey was conducted with a sample of 1000 people over the age of 16. Have you had to cancel / postpone your holiday this year because you have not received a new passport in time? Percentage answer: yes (3), no (24), no answer (74). Are you afraid of having to cancel / postpone your holiday this year because you will not receive your passport on time? Percentage answer: yes (4), no (20), no answer (76). The answer has a margin of error of 2% and 2.5% respectively. Motrøen says the media attention about the increased delivery time has meant that more people have been waiting to apply for a passport. – There are between 150,000 to 200,000 Norwegians waiting because they expect not to get it on time. Had they applied, the queue would have been longer, for everyone. Hi! Welcome to dialogue at NRK. Since you are logged in to other NRK services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
