Focus on elderly care and personal finances – news Vestland

– I am afraid of dying alone at night, says Kirsten (98) in an earlier interview on TV2. This set the tone before the party leader debate on TV2 on Tuesday evening, where elderly care is the first main topic. Prime Minister and Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre was challenged first: – It hurts to see. I have seen my own parents in the same situation. We will have more of these challenges. We must take this as a community. This is the community’s responsibility, he commented. When asked that there are 3,000 people queuing for hospital space, Støreat says the government has given enough permission to build 2,000 more. – We have prioritized this, but we have a huge challenge with far more elderly people coming. Today’s government removed the regulation on a national overview of hospital places, says Høgre head Erna Solberg. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) points out that there are too few people who are trained as health and care professionals. – It is important to me that more people train for this, he says in the debate. Two main topics tonight There are now 13 days until the municipal and county council elections on Monday 11 September. At 9.40 pm, the national party leaders meet for an hour and a half long debate. The presenters who grill the top politicians are Yvonne Fondenes and Arill Riise. TV 2 has announced in advance that two main topics have been set up for the debate: In addition, there will be debates on various topics based on Questions from viewers and readers The evening’s party leader debate with Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap), Erna Solberg (H), Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp), Sylvi Listhaug (Frp), Kirsti Bergstø (SV), Guri Melby (V), Marie Sneve Martinussen (Raudt), Olaug Bollestad (KrF) and Arild Hermstad (MDG). Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news Two weeks since the previous party leader debate on 17 August, news broadcast the first party leader debate of this election campaign. Just as in tonight’s debate on TV 2, care for the elderly and expensive time were among the things that were discussed. Another topic was disqualification and other of the summer’s political scandals. The debate also showed that Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) is the only party leader who believes Norway will reach the target of a 55 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. You can see the entire TV debate here, and had written live reporting “minute by minute”. Four minutes of highlights from the debate can be found here. Before or after tonight’s party leader debate on TV 2, you are welcome to test what is “your” party in the local elections: Advance voting is underway, for those of us who do not want to wait or are not in our home municipality on election day. The deadline is Friday 8 September (in Norway) or 1 September (at an embassy/foreign station).
