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– A historic decision, says Zelenskyj. Ukraine has long been in demand for F-16 fighters, and today, on Ukraine’s national day, Støre was able to confirm that Norway will also offer its aircraft. There are now three countries donating fighter jets to Ukraine. Zelenskyj tells an assembled Norwegian press corps that he is grateful regardless of the number. Norway will also provide other military, humanitarian and civilian support. Read more about the Norwegian contributions that were announced today, here. It is this type of fighter aircraft that Norway, in addition to Denmark and the Netherlands, now provides to Ukraine. Photo: FABIAN BIMMER / Reuters Between five and ten fighters – The calculation is as follows: We have sold aircraft to Romania. An important sale. This means that one of our allies in Europe can benefit from those planes, says Støre, who confirms that the agreement remains. In addition to the 32 aircraft that have been sold to Romania, Norway has had an agreement to sell 12 fighter aircraft to Draken International, which is an American private company. – There have been plans to sell to an American company. We will not implement that, notes Støre. He says it is uncertain how many planes Norway can provide, and that it depends on the condition and content of the planes. The defense initially had a total of 60 F-16 aircraft. Denmark and the Netherlands give On Sunday, it became known that the Netherlands and Denmark will give F-16 aircraft to Ukraine – as soon as the Ukrainian pilots have finished training. The news came during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj’s tour of Europe to gather arms and support. At the weekend he visited both Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. Denmark has already promised 19 planes to Ukraine. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen hopes the first six planes will be ready by the New Year. In August, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was able to announce that Denmark will provide 19 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Photo: MADS CLAUS RASMUSSEN / AFP The Netherlands has 42 F-16 aircraft. How many of these are going to Ukraine, the Dutch Prime Minister could not answer on Sunday. Zelenskyj expressed great gratitude to the two countries that are now donating fighter jets. – This hopefully gives strong momentum to other countries that are in doubt about whether they should do this, the president answered a question from a Ukrainian journalist. Full benefit in several years In total, there is a coalition of eleven nations helping to train Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 aircraft. The training starts in August and will take place in Denmark, as well as at a training center in Romania. – Hopefully we will be able to see results at the beginning of next year, said Denmark’s Acting Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen to journalists earlier this summer, writes Reuters. It is this type of fighter aircraft that Norway, in addition to Denmark and the Netherlands, now provides to Ukraine. Photo: Mindaugas Kulbis / AP – Optimistic time perspective Associate professor at the Norwegian Air Force School, Lars Peder Haga, says it is uncertain how long it will take to train Ukrainian defense in F-16 aircraft, but that six to twelve months is an optimistic time perspective. Haga also says that Ukraine will probably not get full benefit from the donations for a couple of years. So far, eight pilots have started training. – The planes they use now primarily use Russian weapon types, for which they are of course not allowed to buy new weapons. And they wear out their planes. If Ukraine is to have an air force in four years’ time, this process with F-16 aircraft is absolutely necessary, says Haga. Lars Peder Haga, associate professor at the Norwegian Air Force School. Photo: Luftkrigsskolen He believes that one of the most important things about the F-16 donations is that it sends a signal that you are willing to spend a lot of money, as well as to commit to Ukraine for a long time: – This is a long process. It must be followed up. It will cost a lot of money, says Haga. – When Russia’s strategy has been, among other things, to “wait out the West”, then it is to start such a far-reaching program – to show that the West will persevere, says Haga at the Air Force Academy. – It is important and necessary, says Prime Minister Støre. Also listen:
