– I feel powerless – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– I know it will be a double standard. I have seen a lot and heard a lot of people who advise athletes to get an education on the side. But those who try meet very, very much resistance, says Rasmus Eggen Vinge to news. The 23-year-old has experienced resistance after he became a Stabæk player in August. The transition from the 2nd division club Kjelsås to the Eliteserien was actually a good dream that came true. But as it looks now, the new full-time job may cause him to lose the education he has started. TO STABÆK: Rasmus Eggen Vinge came to Stabæk on 1 August this year. Photo: news Before the transition, he actually completed a bachelor’s in physiotherapy, but it says that one year of practice is required to become an authorized physiotherapist. Since his life situation has now changed, he has asked for an exemption or adjustment from this internship period. But the State Administrator in Oslo and Viken, who manages the rotation test for the physiotherapy students, has refused the application for postponement. – The decision is based on the fact that your desire to practice another profession is not a special reason according to the rotation regulations, writes the State Administrator as the basis for the appointment. A special reason can be illness, pregnancy or maternity leave. – As can be seen from the decision, it is based on current regulations. We have also stated that the applicant has the right to appeal. The Directorate of Health is the appeal body. That’s what Thea Marie Lindquist Belseth, assistant director of the health department at the Statsforvaltaren, wrote in an e-mail to news. Uncertain future – I feel a little powerless. I don’t quite know who to contact. I don’t know who has the power to change my situation. If only there was a system that would let me know who to contact. I feel a bit blind, says Eggen Vinge. BIG GAME FOR KJELSÅS: Rasmus Eggen Vinge after scoring for Kjelsås during the quarter-final against Raufoss in the football NC. Photo: NTB The hope was that the State Administrator would give concrete input on how the situation could be resolved. – The answer I have received is that either you have to complete a rotation, as everyone else does, or you will not be allowed to take it. Then take your chance later too, says Eggen Vinge. – So you actually get a bit pissed off about the whole situation. It is clear that you take it with you in other things you do as well. There is no doubt about that. The Stabæk player says that he is willing to go to great lengths to find possible solutions. He has now appealed the decision. Rasar – We in Niso believe that it is completely unjustified, says Thomas Kristensen in the Norwegian Athletes’ Central Organization (Niso). HOPE FOR A TURN: Thomas Kristensen in Niso hopes the State Administrator will turn around and show discretion. Photo: Ragna Kristine Sandholt / news Now they promise to follow up the case with the State Administrator. – We believe that it is possible to show discretion here. Top athletes are in a very special situation. We want top athletes. Norway needs top athletes. Then you also have to make arrangements for that. Because here there is no question of giving athletes any special advantages, they underline. – But still they are in a special position to the extent that they are pensioners when they are 30-35 years old. One of the things we work on the most is the transition to a new career, that he should be as flexible as possible. I think it is only ballet dancers who are in the same situation, so I believe that it is possible to find solutions here. As it is today, it is too random if one is refused or postponed a course of study, because of a commitment to top sports, believes Kristensen. Big problem Kristensen confirms that they have had similar situations to the case with Eggen Vinge. And the Stabæk player himself has witnessed several “football colleagues” who have been forced to either give up sport or study. – Especially in women’s football, which I know a little about. The wages there are not big enough to live on either. Then there will be a choice in the end. Should you prioritize education or should you prioritize football? And it is, in a way, a choice that cannot be ignored, he says. UNCERTAIN FUTURE: It may take a long time before Rasmus Eggen Vinge gets an answer as to whether or not he can take a rotation. Photo: news – My situation is bad, but many others have it worse, who simply have to make a choice then. In 10–15 years, Eggen Vinge’s career will probably be over. Then it is also possible that he is completely on the ground. – Knowing that if you get injured, if something happens that makes you have to give up football, then you have something to fall back on. That’s what I’ve really worked hard to achieve. To have that security at bottom. But now I don’t have that, so when I’m done with football I’ll be thrown into working life without any security.
