Researcher at NTNU believes haunted houses will continue to appear in upcoming horror films – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s fun to be frightened by something that you know is not dangerous. It’s scary, but you know you’re safe. That’s what Christer Bakke Andresen, associate professor of film studies at NTNU, says. Last week, the Disney film Haunted Mansion premiered, and it is a good example that haunted houses have not gone out of style. In the film, a woman and her son move into a manor house, but soon discover that they are not alone. Christer Bakke Andresen, associate professor of film studies at NTNU, thinks we like the thrill when we know it’s not dangerous. Photo: Fanny Feragen Solheim / news The unknown triggers us But why do we actually like to be frightened? What triggers us? – We humans are intelligent, says professor of clinical psychology, Ole André Solbakken. He says that we humans want to get to know the unknown, discover the undiscovered and understand the incomprehensible – and that we love it. – It is something that drives us. The unknown contains opportunities, but at the same time it is scary because it can be dangerous. Through the horror film, we get to feel the scary – precisely without it being dangerous. Psychologist Ole André Solbakken believes that it is the unknown that triggers us. Photo: Martin Fønnebø / news – The film is structured so that we experience an extreme discomfort that passes quickly. – What happens when the discomfort passes is relief and a smile on your face. The psychologist believes that we would not have seen horror films if it was only unpleasant. – We like it too. And in a horror film, we know it’s on somehow and think it’s more exciting. The outside of a “ghost house” can be frightening enough – do you dare to join in? What’s hiding in the fridge? – There wasn’t much here. A bit of a letdown perhaps? – We were expecting a shock there, haha. And it’s not just horror films that bring out this kind of curiosity. Many may have visited abandoned houses and “ghost houses” themselves, to feel the excitement. – Then a special dynamic often arises between anxiety and eagerness. While we are afraid that something scary will happen, there is a chance that we can find something valuable. It may be a good idea to bring a flashlight if you are going to explore haunted houses. Spiders are often associated with something scary. – We are not necessarily afraid of the house itself, but the things in it. Whether it’s falling down the stairs or encountering a poisonous spider. Although haunted houses excite us, it is not necessarily the houses themselves that we are afraid of. – But it is the things we put in it, the potential threats and dangerous things that can be there, says Solbakken. The haunted house is here to stay And we haven’t seen the end of the haunted houses quite yet, let’s believe Christer Bakke Andresen. The phenomenon has been popular since the 18th century, and is still the scene of several new horror films. – Haunted houses are an ancient trick. There are films about scary houses where terrible things happen all the time, says Andresen. He thinks the haunted house is here to stay. – There is nothing to suggest that it would become unpopular at any point. Do you watch horror movies? Yes, I like to be scared! I’ve seen some, but I like cozy films better No, it’s too scary Show result Andresen explains that crime and horror are very dependent on the places where they take place. – Whether it’s the landscapes, the horrible house hidden in the forest or the old castles. Horror stories can be either psychological or supernatural, but they often have one thing in common. – Some go to a place they shouldn’t be, and of course something bad happens there. Norwegian filmmakers are also inspired by abandoned houses and the supernatural. In November comes the film “There’s something in the barn”, which has set the location to a farm in Gudbrandsdalen. Photo: 74 Entertaainment An American family moves there after inheriting the farm. And amazingly, mysterious things begin to happen here as well.
