Gave up golf – now he dreams of 18 holes on his own legs – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– Seeing 29 years of golf disappear was a nightmare, says Gunnar Spørck. Last winter, the keen golfer suffered a blood clot with complications in his right leg. It led to him having to amputate twice. – I have traveled around the world and played golf. Losing it was the worst. In the hospital, he was in the same room as a friend who was not as convinced that this was the end. Together they attended a seminar on organized golfing. At the seminar, it became clear that the Norwegian Golf Association had a paragolf car that he could use. A few weeks later it was ready at Spørck’s golf club. The paragolf car helps Gunnar get around the golf course as well as hitting. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news – I didn’t think it would work, but with good helpers everything works. I’ve managed to do it and it’s fun and good for self-confidence, says Spørck. – Becomes a different man With the help of the paragolf car, Spørck can stand on his good leg when the car has helped him into a standing position. Comrade Gunnar Willy helps to set up the ball. – I’m not better now, says Gunnar Spørck with a smile as he hits the first shot of the day at Bjaavann golf club in Kristiansand. Spørck is not as good as he was, but still smiles. Just three months ago, he had no faith that he would ever play golf again. – He becomes a different man when he gets out on the pitch with a club in his hand, says Willy. Gunnar Willy is among two friends that Spørck always takes with him when he is out golfing. With the help of the car, he can do most things himself, but needs help to get the ball ready for launch. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news About facilitation The paragolf car that Spørck has put into use is one of three such cars owned by the Norwegian Golf Association. It is also possible to apply for similar cars as an aid from Nav. – It’s about facilitating the turn. Although you may think that you will never play golf, it is quite amazing what you can achieve if you are really interested and want to make it happen. That’s what inclusion consultant Gøril Hansen at the Norwegian Golf Association says, who, among other things, works to give more people the opportunity to be active in golf on their own terms. – We have some activities that we arrange for each year. As an association, we have a great focus on organized golf, she says. – For Gunnar, golf has been an important part of his life. It is great that there are aids that enable him to continue with the sport. Inclusion consultant at the Norwegian Golf Association Gøril Hansen believes that the vast majority can play if the interest is there. Photo: Norwegian Golf Association Wants to get back on his own two feet With the help of good friends and the paragolf car, Spørck has been driven back. Soon he will return to rehabilitation to learn how to walk with a new prosthesis. – The hope and goal is that I can go and play golf with the prosthesis by next year. I don’t think I can do 18 holes, but aim to do it with a golf cart. Before that, he will be starting during the NM in the first week of August. Two groups with functional impairments participate. – I wish I could participate. I’m not good enough for that, but I’m looking forward to seeing them, Spørck smiles. Gunnar Spørck was very down after the amputations and thought he would never play golf again. With the help of good friends and a paragolf car, he is back on the course. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Hello! Do you have questions about the story you just read? Or do you have tips for something else I should write about? Send me an email, of course!
