Police critical of car rental company after 14-year-old drove off the road – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The suspected driver was slightly injured when the car crashed through a hedge and into a house on Ullevål in Oslo on Tuesday afternoon. The other three on board were not injured. Witnesses saw the boys running away, but when the police arrived on the scene, they quickly gained control of the four boys who had been sitting in the car. – Due to the boys’ age, child protection has been involved. We are trying to get in touch with the parents, but have not got hold of all of them yet, says operations manager Vidar Pedersen. He says the police create a report, regardless of the boys’ age. DAMAGE: This is where the car drove before it collided with the house on Ullevål. Photo: ANDREAS SUNDBY / news – It is the part of the damage to the house and a fence that the owners would certainly like to have replaced, says Pedersen. – There is some damage to the car. Do you know anything about how fast they drove? – I don’t want to speculate on that, but there must have been a certain speed, says the operations manager. Skeptical of rental practices It is unknown how the boys gained access to the car. At the rental company Hyre, the car is opened via an app on the mobile phone. – In any case, when 14-year-olds can start up via this service, it appears too easy to get access to the car, says Pedersen. SKEPTICAL: It is still unknown how the boys gained access to the rental car. Photo: ANDREAS SUNDBY / news – What do you think should be done about it? – I cannot give an exact answer to that here and now. but it must be possible to find some solutions that make it a little more difficult for a car to end up in the wrong hands. When 14-year-olds drive around in their car, it is quite clear that their driving skills are hardly good enough to handle a car in the center of Oslo, says Pedersen. Hyre responds Hyre responds that they cannot go into this matter in detail – But it could be a question of borrowed or stolen BankID which has made it possible for the person in question to rent a car in someone else’s name, writes managing director Nils Petter Nordbø in Hyre in a SMS to news. – We have a dialogue with the police in this case and are always proactive to assist in the best possible way. Beyond this, we have nothing to add at the moment, he replies.
