The Supreme Court rejects an appeal in the bullying case from Drangedal – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– I still hope that the case has contributed to a greater focus on bullying, says Cecilie Haugen herself. Haugen won in the district court and applied for compensation from her home municipality, because she believed she was bullied at school and that the municipality did not do enough to stop it. The so-called bullying settlement in Drangedal became known in the spring of 2019. What was initially a group of a few people ended up with dozens of people meeting for a general meeting at lawyer Vibeke Hein Bæra in June of the same year. According to Bæra, more than 70 people at one point considered demanding compensation from Drangedal municipality. Everyone claimed to have been bullied at school, and that the municipality did not do enough to put a stop to it. Cecilie Haugen during the first case when it went to the Telemark district court. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news The municipality was sentenced to pay her compensation in the district court, but was later acquitted in the court of appeal. Haugen decided to appeal his case to the Supreme Court, but this has now been rejected. – Tough – It feels tough, she says to news. The case has been a big part of her life for many years. The attention in the media has at times been enormous. – I have to fight to find the way forward, she says. The support of friends and family keeps her going. – Among other things, a joint was created to support me in the matter. This is money that has meant that I did not become a financial victim. I will not receive compensation from the municipality, but I can move on without financial problems as a result of the case, she told news on Tuesday. Although the municipality can now be considered acquitted in the case, she still feels a victory. – At least I have proven to myself that I have been strong enough to stand up to this. In that way, I have grown as a person. It feels like a small victory anyway. – Final sentence Mayor of Drangedal municipality, Tor-Peder Lohne (Sp), believes the decision is correct. – The decision implies full support for Drangedal municipality. It is in line with what we have meant all along. With this, a final period has been set for a difficult case for many, he believes. Lohne understands that the matter is difficult for many. – We understand that this has been a difficult matter. Now we must look ahead, and continue to work for a good and safe learning environment in the municipality, he says to news.
