Aline Waatvik Sandaker (17) died after a traffic accident in Vestby – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The accident took place on the night of Saturday 8 July. Three young people from Vestby were in a car that drove off the road near Kjennstjernet. There were a total of three people in the car. An 18-year-old man died at the scene. Another 18-year-old man has now been discharged from hospital after being injured in the accident, the police told news. In consultation with the next of kin, the police are now releasing the name and photo of 17-year-old Aline Waatvik Sandaker. It was Vestby Avis that mentioned the case first. Section leader Johan Knoph Bjerknes at the police’s investigation section in Follo, tells news that Sandaker died on Saturday. – For us, it appears that the youth environment and the local community are strongly affected by the incident. Vestby is a small community, says Bjerknes. Flowers were laid at the scene of the accident when the news became known on 8 July. Photo: Kari Anne Saude / news The police do not yet know what caused the car to go off the road. – We are now working further with the investigation of the case, with the aim of clarifying why the accident happened. The police work broadly with technical and tactical investigations, with witness information, digital examinations and technical examinations of the vehicle, says Bjerknes.
