Employees in Bergen raised the alarm when they did not receive a document from the police – news Vestland

Two employees in Bergen municipality discovered the error in the notification system Altinn. According to news, one will work in child protection, and the other is an adviser in the municipality. One had an agreement with the police to be sent a document. – When it did not come, the person concerned began to investigate whether this could be the same error that Lillehammer municipality had uncovered, says Belen Birkenes, director of the municipality, to news. After reading about the situation in Lillehammer, the other, the adviser, checked whether it could also apply in Bergen. – It is good that there are awake professionals who say that “there must be something wrong here”, says the head of the joint organisation, Mimmi Kvisvik, about the employees who reported the error. She adds that it is “strange that in 2023 one cannot manage to have a messaging system that works”. STRANGE: Leader of the Joint Organization, Mimmi Kvisvik, is happy for alert employees in child protection who discover system errors, but thinks it is “strange” that the notification system in 2023 does not work sufficiently. Photo: Pressefoto / FO – Most of the messages are open On Wednesday afternoon, the police announced that most of the messages that the police have sent to municipalities and child protection have been opened. – Preliminary investigations show that most of the messages sent to the municipalities have been opened. No messages have been lost, even if not all are open, writes department director Bjørn Vandvik the police in a press release. The police district is now in the process of obtaining an overview of the contents of the messages that are not open, so that they can be followed up, says Vandvik. The police have intercepted transmissions via Altinn. Until further notice, reports of concern will be sent by letter. – We are working on going through lists of cases that have been sent via Altinn, and going through case by case in our system to see how these have been followed up, says communications director Arne Lutro in the West police district. – Too vulnerable Bergen municipality believes the system has been too bad. – Is it the case that the legal protection of children and young people in Bergen should be at the mercy of two alert employees in the municipality who discovered the mistake? – No, it is far too vulnerable. We have reacted very strongly to the police, who have adopted a channel for reports to the child protection service that the municipality was not aware of, says city councilor Line Berggreen Jacobsen in Bergen. Of the 25 reports of concern in Bergen, there are still five with unknown content. Jacobsen cannot say anything about the degree of seriousness in the five, but says the child protection service is following up on these cases now. DON’T KNOW THE CONTENTS: City councilor for child protection and social services in Bergen, Line Berggreen Jacobsen, cannot say anything more about the content of the reports of concern, which are unknown to the municipality. Photo: NTB This is the case Last week, news revealed that Lillehammer municipality had not had access to 35 documents sent by the police. Three of these were reports of concern to child protection. The reason for the error lies in the messaging system in Altinn that the police district has used to send documents to the municipalities. Yesterday it became known that the municipality of Bergen was also the victim of the same mistake. A total of 77 reports to child protection, of which 25 were reports of concern, have not been received. Several municipalities have been affected by the system error, and the police are not sure how many serious cases have disappeared. So far, news knows that the error applies to 39 reports in the police district in Finnmark. In Lillestrøm municipality, there are 15 reports of concern to child protection. The overview of affected municipalities is continuously updated. Several municipalities affected Several municipalities have been affected by the system error, and the police are not sure how many serious cases have disappeared. The police districts have been told to immediately stop all transmission of documents to the municipalities via Altinn, news confirmed yesterday. The digital service Altinn became part of the Directorate of Digitalization in Norway in 2020, but it is different when the police districts put it into use in the various municipalities. In Lillehammer, there are messages from 2021 to the present day that have not come forward. In Bergen, the notification system has been used since 2020. Since then, Norwegian municipalities have received documents from the police district via Altinn. These documents have, among other things, dealt with reports of concern from the police to child protection. On Tuesday, Bergen city council leader Rune Bakervik (Ap) said that these transfers have taken place without the municipality being notified. – NATIONAL PROBLEM: On Tuesday, Bergen municipality informed about the missing messages. – A national problem that may apply to police districts across the country, said city council leader Rune Bakervik. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news Two cases In June, a serious system failure was also discovered in reports of concern to child protection. 244 of the country’s municipalities were affected. Then it was also about an error that had lasted since 2020, at that time in the Visma messaging system. Kjersti Toppe (Sp), Minister for Children and Families, said on Tuesday that the investigation that was started in connection with the Visma case also reveals the error in Altinn. COVERED BY THE INVESTIGATION: Toppe confirmed yesterday that the ongoing Visma investigation also covers the failure in Altinn. Photo: Tom Balgaard/news These municipalities have been affected Before Rebels, news has learned that the following municipalities/police district have been affected by the error: Bergen municipality. 25 reports of concern have not been received. Lillehammer municipality. 3 reports of concern have not been received. Lillestrøm municipality. 15 reports of concern have not been received. Finnmark: 39 reports of concern sent from all Finnmark police districts. The list is continuously updated. Local investigation City councilor Line Berggreen Jacobsen in Bergen is happy that the Altinn case is covered by the ongoing national investigation, but will nevertheless initiate a local investigation in Bergen. – We will do this immediately to ensure that reports of concern to the child welfare services in Bergen do not go astray. Also to supplement the national investigation. She does not know when the municipality can expect a response to such a local investigation. – But the purpose is to make sure that all the channels for messages to the child protection service are in order, and that no messages go astray, says Jacobsen.
