Three charged with complicity in the sale of drugs after the Oslo shooting – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The police in Oslo campaigned on the night of Sunday against an apartment in Grønland in Oslo. The campaign is said to have been aimed at an environment that drives the sale of drugs. Now three men have been charged with complicity in the sale of drugs, the police write in a press release. However, lawyer Arild Humlen questions the charge. He has been appointed as defense counsel for one of the accused. – My client does not understand the charge and he does not understand the background. It is vague, he says. Humlen is calling for more information from the police in Oslo. – It is unclear what the police actually mean. Was shot by accident A 22-year-old man was shot during the action. The shot is said to have been fired by accident, according to the Bureau, which is now investigating the incident. The man is said to have suffered serious injuries. But the police have not yet released the state of health of the person in question. The police in Oslo will not comment on the case for the time being apart from the press release. They refer to the Special Unit. news has not succeeded in getting in touch with the defenders of the other two accused in the case. – My client does not understand the charges, says defense attorney Arild Humlen to news. He is calling for more information from the police. The picture was taken on an earlier occasion. Photo: Lars Eie / news Defendant: – Inexplicable The client of Humlen is deeply affected by the shooting on the night of Sunday. – It was a shocking experience. He is strongly influenced. He has difficulty giving a coherent, good explanation about details, says the lawyer. – So far, this case seems to be a bit incomprehensible. – Never encountered before Marius Bækkevar is the leader of the Oslo Police Association. He says that it is rare for the police to shoot someone by accident. – I have not come across that before, that accidental shots have hit and caused damage. I would say it is rare. He says that the police officer who fired the shot is being assisted by a lawyer. – In this context, we have contributed with legal assistance following an application. From there, the lawyer that we have recommended has consulted with the person concerned. The 22-year-old man is said to have been shot by the police inside an apartment hotel in Greenland in Oslo. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB Hopes to restore trust Last week, the policeman who was accused of police violence in Kongsberg was acquitted. The policeman stood accused after hitting Kevin Simensen with a clenched fist, spraying him with pepper spray, and then hitting him on the head and body with a telescopic baton. In the acquittal, the district court points out that there must be room for discretion, and that police officers must be given room for misjudgments without it being established that the person has committed a criminal offense while on duty. The shooting of a 22-year-old at the weekend can affect people’s trust in the police, believes Bækkevar in the police association. – It is of course very unfortunate that shots are fired unintentionally, says Bækkevar to news. – It is a bit special that it happens in the same period of time. And it would be strange, I think, if it didn’t, at least in the short term, have something to say about trust in the police. But I do hope that when both of these cases have been dealt with in the legal system and investigated, that steps will be taken to restore the trust that may have been lost. Leader of the Oslo Police Association, Marius Bækkevar, hopes that trust in the police will improve in the long term. Photo: Ketil Kern / news The accused have been released The accused were released after giving statements to the police on Monday. – We can confirm that they have been released, but that there are still charges of drug offences, says police prosecutor Cathrine Sandnes via press manager Unni Grøndal to TV2. – I have been in contact with my client, who has been released. On a general basis, I can say that when the police do not have sufficient grounds for arrest, it is right to release, said the man’s defender Arild Humlen to VG.
