The accused denies criminal guilt – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Tuesday, the trial began against the Norwegian who allegedly kept his partner in a freezer in Sweden. The person concerned is accused of, among other things, desecration of a corpse and gross fraud. According to the local newspaper Nya Wermlands-Tidningen, the defendant pleaded not guilty on Monday, having previously pleaded guilty to all charges. In court on Tuesday morning, the defendant admits to having used the deceased’s account, but denies both desecration, gross fraud and document forgery. – Grave peace violated The woman, also a Norwegian citizen, was found in the freezer in the couple’s shared home in Årjäng in March. – During the crime, the man also used the freezer for other purposes, which I believe means that the deceased’s grave peace was violated every time the man opened and closed the freezer, and constitutes an aggravating circumstance, says prosecutor Linda Karlsson. The defendant arrived at the courtroom in the Värmland district court in Karlstad in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Photo: Lars Thomas Nordby / news For a long time the defendant was also suspected of murder, but the investigation caused the suspicion to disappear. The man’s defender, Stefan Lilliebäck, has previously confirmed to news that the woman was placed in the freezer in 2018. Accused of gross fraud The police have conducted interviews with the accused’s brothers, as well as the deceased’s siblings. Several explain that they reacted to the fact that they never saw or heard anything from the deceased. All also explain that the defendant both answered the woman’s phone and said that she was walking the dog or that she was sleeping. Eventually, he is said to have explained that the woman no longer wanted contact with her family. The defendant himself has previously explained that he put the woman in the freezer after she died, after a long illness. According to the defendant, the reason why the woman was put in the freezer was an agreement between the parties that the woman should be buried in the garden. At this house, the Norwegian woman in her 60s was found dead in a freezer. Photo: FRODE FJERDINGSTAD / news Because the woman is supposed to have died in winter, that was not allowed. According to the defendant, the woman must have died on 12 January 2018. The local newspaper Nya Wermlands-Tidningen wrote in June that the defendant has undergone a forensic psychiatric examination lasting several weeks. The conclusion was that he did not have any mental illness back in 2018, nor does he have it today. His defender Stefan Liliebäck disagrees with that. He says to VG that his client’s mental health is not good, and that they have complained to a higher authority, as they believe the psychiatrists’ conclusion is incorrect. The reason why the man is also charged with gross fraud is because the woman continued to receive a pension after her death. Swedish police believe the man who is now indicted had access to this money.
