Norwegian artillery may end up being used for cluster munitions in Ukraine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Last year, Norway gave artillery of the M109 type to Ukraine. 22 pieces were sent to Ukraine, together with the associated equipment, spare parts and ammunition. Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) called it an “important contribution, which was in great demand by Ukraine”. Fast forward a year. Ukraine now wants cluster weapons from its allies. The US decided last week to grant this wish. So what does this have to do with Norway’s allteri contribution to Ukraine last year? Yes, the Ukrainians can use the Norwegian artillery to launch cluster munitions. Because Norway has no agreement that prevents it. – There is no such clause for the artillery that Norway has donated, and which is now being used in Ukraine, confirms Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) to news. He believes that the weapons and ammunition that Norway has donated to Ukraine are important for the country’s defense struggle. – At the same time, Norway assumes that all equipment is used within the limits of international law. The M109 is a type of artillery gun. Norway has donated these to Ukraine and contributed to training on this weapon system. Photo: Ole-Sverre Haugli/Forsvaret Norway does not use cluster munitions itself, nor has it donated them to Ukraine. – International law not enough This despite the fact that both Russia and Ukraine have already used cluster munitions during the conflict, according to Human Rights Watch. – If international law had been a good enough basis, Støre would not have needed to fight for its own cluster munitions convention, says Øistein Mjærum from the Red Cross. He is referring to the cluster weapons convention Støre and Norway worked on 13 years ago. Norway’s ban on cluster munitions Norway, with then Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, was at the forefront of this agreement. They got 111 other countries to sign – but not the USA, Ukraine or Russia. Jonas Gahr Støre at a conference on cluster munitions in 2012. Photo: news Through the convention, Norway is required by law to prevent all production, storage and sale of cluster munitions. Norway is also required by law to do its best to prevent other states, which have not signed the convention, from doing the same. Article 21 of the UN Convention on Cluster Munitions 1. Each party shall encourage states that are not party to the convention to ratify, accept, approve or accede to the convention, with the aim of getting all states to accede to the convention. 2. Each party shall notify the authorities of all states that are not party to the convention (as discussed in point 3) of their obligations under this convention, and shall promote the norms established by the convention, and do their best to prevent states that are not party to this convention, uses cluster munitions. 3. The parties, their military personnel or citizens may, without regard to article 1 of this convention, and in accordance with international law, participate in military cooperation and military operations together with states that are not parties to this convention, but which will be able to participate in activities which is prohibited for a party. Is Norway now doing its best to prevent Norwegian artillery from being used for cluster munitions by Ukraine? No, says Øistein Mjærum from the Red Cross, who is surprised that they only have an agreement that prevents it. – Norway has not done its utmost and is in breach of its own convention. – Have to dig deeper into the wallet Norwegian People’s Aid says that ordinary artillery ammunition is just as effective, and should be prioritized over cluster munitions which lead to enormous suffering for decades after conflicts are over. – You have to dig deeper in your pockets to support Ukraine with ordinary artillery ammunition, says Grethe Østern in Norwegian People’s Aid. Cluster munitions are a controversial weapon because of how they can affect civilians both during and after a conflict. Photo: AFP / AFP Støre says that Norway’s policy is to speak out the convention’s goals and discourages all use of cluster munitions, but that Ukraine has not signed the convention. – So this is between them and the USA.
