Ukrainians gathered after a deceased Ukrainian woman – the police want to detain the man accused of murder – news Vestland

– We were all very frightened by what happened on 4 July, says Ljubov Tikhonava. On Tuesday, a Ukrainian woman in her 30s was found critically injured at the Magic Hotel in Bergen. She died of her injuries in hospital shortly afterwards. Today, Tikhonava and around 40 Ukrainians from the Bergen region gathered at the Refugee Resource Center in Fyllingsdalen. At the same time, there are new details about the murder of their countrywoman, which happened on Tuesday: The police believe the woman was killed with a knife The accused man and the deceased woman came together to Norway at the beginning of the year Together they have a two-year-old child who is now being looked after of other Ukrainians in Bergen. Defendant Anette Askevold at the imprisonment meeting on Thursday. Photo: Benjamin Dyrdal / news On Thursday, the man was remanded in custody in Hordaland district court. The police were upheld in their request for remand for four weeks with a ban on letters and visits. – For the time being, we are taking this into account, and will make a thorough assessment of a possible appeal at a later date, says defender Anette Askevold to news. The prison meeting was held behind closed doors, with no press present. The Azerbaijani man denies criminal liability. Gathering for Ukrainians Magic Hotel is currently used as an asylum reception, where many Ukrainian refugees live. The incident affects people both in and outside the city. Pavlo Nevidnychyy in the Ukrainian Association in Bjørnafjorden. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news – It is of course very sad and tragic, what has happened, says Pavlo Nevidnychyy, board member of the Ukrainian Association in Bjørnafjorden. He also showed up at the gathering organized by Bergen municipality at the Refugee Resource Center in Fyllingsdalen on Thursday morning. There they received greetings and information from both the police, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration and Bergen municipality. – It is a tragic event in itself, and then it takes on an extra dimension when we know it affects people who are already having a very difficult time, says inclusion councilor Eduardo Andersen (Ap) to news. Inclusion councilor Eduardo Andersen (Ap). Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news The deceased was the mother of a two-year-old. Those present were very moved during the meeting, and asked several questions to the official representatives. They were particularly preoccupied with what was happening to the deceased’s child and the accused. It is about a two-year-old, who was taken into care by child protection after the incident. The child is now being looked after by Ukrainians. Section leader for the investigation in the West police district, Tore Salvesen, said this during the meeting. Thank you for the information – It is very good that it is possible to meet and discuss the incident, to make things a little better, says Pavlo Nevidnychyy. He says that such incidents make life more difficult for Ukrainians who have fled the war in their homeland. But the gathering on Thursday helped to secure them, according to Ljubov Tikhonava from Irpin in Ukraine. She has lived in Norway for one year and four months, and greatly appreciates the information from the official representatives. – Here the woman has fled from war with her child to safety here, and then she will be killed by family violence in Norway. We are very grateful to the municipality of Bergen and the emergency services that have helped us during this difficult time, says Tikhonava. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news – Dramatic for all Regional Director of UDI, Njård Gudbrandsen. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news Regional Director of the Directorate of Immigration (UDI), Njård Gudbrandsen, conveys the deepest sympathy for those who happened during the meeting. – This is dramatic for all of us who work in UDI and those who live at the asylum reception centre. We have a close dialogue with Hero and help them in the way they need, says Gudbrandsen to news. When asked if they are considering changing routines, he says that the security at their asylum reception is good, and emphasizes that it is allowed to have visitors at the asylum reception. Autopsy of the deceased Tore Salvesen from the police stated that the investigation could be lengthy, but that the summer holidays should have nothing to do with the quality of what is being done. Section leader Tore Salvesen passed on details about the police work to the Ukrainians. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news They must find out what happened, why it happened, and who did it, he emphasized. Since Tuesday, the police have been working to find out whether the accused man is criminally liable, and have also taken a blood test to check whether he was under the influence of drugs. He was questioned on Tuesday evening and Wednesday with the help of an interpreter. The man has not previously been convicted in Norway. The police are investigating whether he has a criminal history in other countries. He has been staying in a different hotel in Bergen than the one where the woman was staying. On Thursday, the police continued their work with witness interviews, interviews and the securing and review of digital traces. The woman will also undergo an autopsy today.
