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– I squatted down and crept along the flat, says the biathlete. Jumping is an important part of biathlon training, and Sturla Holm Lægreid illustrates what his technique is like. A technique he is now working hard to change, something that costs money. – I have some problems with my calf, because I have to change 26 years of learning the wrong jumping technique. I had a pretty good jumping session the other day where I was praised for my technique, but it cost money and my calf got used up. It is not used to being used, he tells news. – It’s rough. He has always been strong on downhills, but on flat ground the “strange” technique works poorly. It has given Lægreid more muscles on the front of the thigh, instead of the back of the thigh and calf. JUMPING TRAINING: Sturla Holm Lægreid (tv) goes for a walk together with Filip Fjeld Andersen and Vetle Sjåstad Christiansen in the summer sun at Lillehammer. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news And more general strength in his legs, he is sure, will give him an advantage when it comes to cross-country skiing times in the winter. – When I paddle, it is very important to get the hook on the back of the leg and then I have nothing to hook on to. It’s scratchy. So it’s the back side project I’m working on now. Both in the calves, thighs and back, to get a better strike and become a more complete biathlete, he explains. – I have been strong enough in the front of my thighs to do well in a double dance, but occasionally you have to go paddling and then I lose a little strength, says Lægreid, who is not worried that the leg problems will be long-lasting. – Positive for the most part Johannes Thingnes Bø was superb in the course last season, and even though Lægreid is a stronger shooter, there was only one individual victory. SØLVGUT: Johannes Thingnes Bø was superb last season and Sturla Holm Lægreid was often shown in second place, as at the start of the hunt in the World Cup. Photo: Reuters – The first years on the elite team were about finding status and trying to get better, but now that I know what I’m good at, I’m starting to look at the individual details. I have been looking for what I can improve and what kind of effect it will have on the winter, and hope this is one of the things that will enable me to ski faster, says the 26-year-old. The coach also believes that the focus on jumping technique can help Lægreid take new steps. – Technique goes together, whether it’s jumping or skiing, skating or classical. It has a certain connection. The fact that he comes forward more with his hip and gets more pressure on the ball of the toe is positive for the most part. We are talking about marginal things here, but in any case it is an advantage to have a better working economy, says Egil Kristiansen. GOOD FORM: Sturla Holm Lægreid is training for next season. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news
