Assisted in the event of a fire on a ferry – wants specially trained fire crews – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We are equipped, but not well equipped, says emergency manager Terje Syvertsen in the Kristiansand region fire and rescue (KBR). On the night of Wednesday, he was called out to put out the fire on board MS Bergensfjord outside Oksøy in Kristiansand. The ferry was on its way from Hirtshals to Stavanger with 591 people on board, when a fire broke out in a motor home. – It could quickly become a big deal if it had taken off. That was what we feared on the way out, says Syvertsen. He is critical of the fact that they are no longer part of the rescue effort at sea (RITS) scheme. The fire started in a car on the ferry. Photo: KBR The fire started in a car on the ferry. Photo: KBR Moved In Norway, there are seven national RITS teams with specially trained fire crews who will carry out rescue efforts at sea. Kristiansand was part of the scheme until 2005, but then Stavanger was chosen. – The decision to relocate was based on an overall assessment of response, finances, etc. It was seen that the service in the Skagerrak area was well covered through Stavanger and Larvik. That’s what Johan Marius Ly, department director for fire and rescue in the Directorate for Community Security and Emergency Preparedness (DSB) says. RITS To provide assistance to ships in the event of accidents at sea, the state has entered into an agreement with seven fire services with special expertise and training for assistance to ships. The starting point for establishing a special emergency at sea is and has been fires on board passenger ships. Nevertheless, traffic and accidents with other ships will also play a role in the foundation. From 2010, the state has had an agreement with the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service, Larvik Fire Service, Fire Service Sør-Rogaland IKS, Bergen Fire Service, Ålesund Fire Service, Salten Fire IKS and Tromsø fire and rescue. Source: The Directorate for Social Security and Emergency Preparedness. Travel harbor In Kristiansand there is now a desire to get the RITS service back. – When we know how much traffic goes outside here, we feel that someone should perhaps look at the scheme to get it started again, says Syvertsen. Terje Syvertsen in Kristiansand region fire and rescue, wants to become part of the national rescue effort at sea. Photo: Christina Hårvik Nieuwlaat / news He receives support from Kristiansand harbor and acting harbor captain Matthias Eder. – Against the background of the increase in traffic we have had across our ferry terminals, and also on cruises, we support KBR’s assessment that the routines for emergency preparedness should be reviewed again. In recent years, Kristiansand has grown to become one of the largest ports in Norway in terms of passenger traffic. – This year we expect between 1.5-2 million passengers across our quays. Eder adds that the preparedness in Kristiansand harbor is good. – We have plans and measures linked to all maritime activity that takes place in the harbour. We are also one of the few ports in Norway with 24-hour staffing. Cruise and ferry traffic has increased sharply in Kristiansand harbour. Several people now want emergency preparedness to be strengthened. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Aerial photo To be reassessed DSB has recently delivered a review of the fire and rescue area to the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness, where they again recommend looking at how the RITS service is organised. – It is a comprehensive package. You must have trained personnel, the right equipment and an appropriate way to transport the emergency crews out to the vessel that needs help. There are many factors that must be considered when looking at how this service can be rigged and organized to meet the challenges of the future. Ly will not advance where the RITS teams will be located in the future, and whether there will be more or fewer. – Everything is really open to assessment again. Department director at DSB, Johan Marius Ly, says the RITS scheme will now be reviewed again. Photo: Anita Andersen / DSB Parliamentary representative and member of the justice committee Ingunn Foss (H), believes it is time for Agder to become part of the national preparedness at sea. – What we saw the other day suggests that we have to look at this again. We should get access to the resources that practice and train every year to handle such situations. Foss will now take up the matter with the Minister of Justice. The county emergency manager in Agder, Yngve Årøy, does not want to comment on the case, as he believes it is a fire-related and political matter. Ingunn Foss (H) is a member of the justice committee, and will now raise the matter with the Minister of Justice. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Ended well The main rescue center (HRS) launched a large-scale operation in connection with the fire on the MS Bergensfjord on the night of Wednesday. The fire brigade, the rescue company and the Coast Guard were called. In addition, two rescue helicopters arrived from Rygge and Sola with RITS teams from Larvik and Stavanger. Rescue manager at HRS Børge Galta, will not say anything about where the RITS teams should be located. – On a general basis, it is the case that any resource that is taken away does something to the total preparedness. But in this specific case it didn’t play a big role, he says. With help from the fire service in Kristiansand, the crew on board quickly extinguished the fire. No one was injured. – The RITS teams were never on board, because we were the first to arrive and gain control, says Syvertsen in KBR. Although it went well this time, he wished they were even better trained for this type of mission. – It requires training, joint training with boat traffic and other bodies. In terms of equipment, a little is also required. So we want it back in place. Sales and marketing manager at Color Line, Nina Moland Andersen, says that they regularly have preparedness exercises. – Over several years, we have also taken the initiative to hold preparedness exercises and review various scenarios with the authorities in all the ports we are present at, including Kristiansand. The rescue helicopters are used to fly out RITS teams to vessels that need help. In southern Norway, rescue helicopters are stationed at Sola and Rygge, but not Kjevik.
