The emergency transport was delivered from the loading platform to the tow truck – news Vestland

– The car stood up on the tow truck when it was unloaded with a forklift. It was a little fun, says Jan Erik Weka. The car salvage worker in Sogn received a somewhat special assignment this week when a truck with an urgent delivery from Oslo had a problem on Sognefjellet. Weka rumored and the freight was delivered to the recipient from the freight car – standing on the loading platform of the car salvage. The mission is one of many this summer. Cars drive in the ditch, people lock the keys in the cars or need starting assistance when the car is out of power, says Weka. – When the summer traffic is at its worst, a lot happens, says the car salvage worker. The delivery was to go straight into production The urgent delivery Weka had to take over was a load of paper that was going to Avery Dennison NTP. The paper is used to produce prints on textiles. Among other things, the company is the supplier of the print on the suits of the Spanish big football team, FC Barcelona. In other words, the suit numbers and player names of the suits are produced in a small village by the Sognefjord. Logistics coordinator at Avery Dennison NTP, Siv Randi Leirdal, says they are well satisfied with how things work out in the end. – And the urgent delivery was put into production without major delays, Leirdal said. The van from Oslo got up on Sognefjellet, but had to get assistance down to the delivery city in Gaupne inst in the Sognefjord. Photo: Jan Erik Weka Flat battery the most common problem Nils Sødal, senior communications consultant at NAF, says that the summer so far has been normal when it comes to the number of salvage assignments and which assignments NAF is embarking on. Flat battery is the most common problem even in summer. – In addition, we reach out to many who have had their engine stopped, punctured or have faults in wheels or wheel suspension, Sødal says. NAF has several tips for those who are going out in the summer traffic: Recharge the starter battery in the car before the holiday. Since many people need help with a flat battery, this indicates that many people have too little power on the starter battery before the holiday. It is a good idea to recharge the starter battery on electric cars as well. In fact, electric cars also have the usual car battery and not just the large operating battery that is the electric car’s “fuel tank”. If you have a petrol or diesel car, you should check the oil level. If it is low, refill with the correct engine oil. Check coolant and brake fluid level. If it has been a long time since the car was serviced, it may be a good idea to have the car serviced before the holiday. – Do not slam the tailgate too quickly again Take it easy, is the encouragement from car mechanic Jan Erik Weka to those who are going out in the summer traffic and over mountain passes. – If you feel the car getting hot up the mountain, take a break. The same goes down the mountain. If the brakes get hot, it is better to park for half an hour on an exit and wait, he says. Letting others pass if you see a queue is another tip. And before you slam the tailgate on the car – check if the key is inside the car first. – If you are in traffic or behind the car, thinking about a couple of times may be wise, says Weka.
