The riots are an unacceptable exploitation of the death of a young boy – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The crisis meeting of the French government is over. French President Emmanuel Macron is promising more police to rein in the riots while asking parents to keep their children off the streets. Hundreds of people have been arrested in several French cities after a third night of violent demonstrations against police brutality in France. About a third of the 875 people arrested overnight were “young, very young”, according to the president. – It is the parents’ responsibility to keep them at home. It is not the state’s job to act in their place, he told reporters after the crisis meeting. At the same time, he condemns what he calls an “unacceptable exploitation of the death of a young boy”, and asks social media companies to remove the “most sensitive” material from the riots. The role of TikTok and Snapchat – Social media platforms play an important role in the events of the last few days, says Macron. He claims that social media both make it possible for the young people to organize the riots, while videos show them how the violent protesters behave. The president believes that young people imitate the behavior. – Sometimes it feels like they are living out the video games that have poisoned them in real life. The French President Emmanuel Macron arrives at the emergency meeting in the Ministry of the Interior, after major riots three nights in a row. Photo: YVES HERMAN / AFP On Friday morning, images of burned-out cars and destroyed buildings rolled on French television. The riots occur after a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by police in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on Tuesday. The policeman who shot the 17-year-old has been arrested and charged with murder. His lawyer tells the TV channel BFM TV that the policeman apologizes to the 17-year-old’s family. The police officer is also charged with false statement. 875 people have been arrested after the riots on the night of Friday, AP reports. Half of these were arrested in Paris. 249 police officers were injured, according to the authorities. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has updated its travel information to France. They encourage travelers to be particularly careful and listen to advice from local authorities. The riots in Paris and the suburbs continue after Nahel (17) was shot dead by the police on Tuesday. Riots throughout the country There were protests all over France on the night of Friday. From the Pyrenees in the south, to Roubaix in the north. There has been vandalism, stone throwing and looting. Shops and public offices have been set on fire. The unrest has also spread to Belgium. There were violent clashes on Thursday evening after a support march in solidarity with those who demonstrated in France. The words “revenge” and “justice” are written on the walls of houses after the riots in Paris. Photo: Philippe Bédos Ulvin / news Firebombs against police station In the town of Pau in the Pyrenees, a police station was attacked with a firebomb on the night of Friday. A library in Marseille was vandalized when police used tear gas to disperse a group of over 100 people who tried to build barricades. In Roubaix, a building was set on fire and completely destroyed. In the Paris suburb of Nanterre, where the unrest began, people have shot fireworks at the police. A bank and several cars were set on fire. Several suburbs of Paris introduced curfews on Thursday evening. Both Paris and Marseille stop public transport on Friday evening. After the riots started, the authorities have stepped up security by deploying 40,000 police officers across the country. Firefighters put out a fire in a building in the industrial city of Roubaix in northern France. Photo: KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP Killed after traffic control The murder in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, which has shaken France, happened on Tuesday in what looked like a traffic control. A yellow car stands still, and two policemen lean in through the open window. One officer aims a gun at Nahel M.. Then the car drives on, and suddenly there is a bang. A video shot from a different angle shows Nahel’s yellow car moments later. It is in shambles and has crashed into a lamp post. The boy, identified by French media only as Nahel M., was only 17 years old. The shot hit him squarely in the chest, fired mere centimeters away. The videos have spread on social media like wildfire. People have laid flowers at the place where Nahel (17) was shot and killed by the police on Tuesday. Photo: Philippe Bédos Ulvin / news
