Charged after motor show at Bjerke in Oslo where a car backed into the audience – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Everything is going smoothly. There are so many things I don’t get to do, says the 39-year-old Oslo woman. On April 24 last year, she and her seven-year-old son were in the parking lot at Bjerke racetrack in Oslo to see a monster truck show. Around 800 people had turned up. During the show, two cars backed up. When the cars swerved, one of them ended up in the stands. Here the car backs into the crowd. Video: Guri Gjørven. Seven people were taken to emergency room and hospital after the accident. – A great mental stress The 39-year-old woman was among these. She suffered crushing injuries in both legs when the car hit her. She says that there has been nerve damage in the left leg. The right leg is also not as it should be. She still walks on crutches. – I think it’s going badly. I have many bad days, says the woman to news. Her everyday life has been turned upside down after what happened when she took her son to a motor show. From working as a nurse, she has been transferred to an office job. She works 20 percent. Her son was lucky. He only got a bruise on his thigh when the bench he was sitting on broke. This is where the seven-year-old was sitting when the accident happened. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB This is where the seven-year-old was sitting when the accident happened. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB Charged with having caused significant damage It was father and son who drove the two cars during the show in Oslo last year. The son was driving the accident car. After the accident, both the German organizer and the driver of the accident car were charged. The State Attorney has now issued an indictment in the case. Both drivers during the show are accused of recklessly causing damage to another person’s body or health. According to the indictment, the driver who drove the accident car did not take enough care of the situation. The other is accused of having arranged and carried out the show, without having assessed the risk. Defense attorney Patrick Lundevall-Unger responds to this: – How can you assess the risk of something without the authorities, Oslo municipality, coming and assessing security measures? The two defendants therefore believe that they have not done anything punishable. They thought it was tragic that people were injured in the accident. The son ended up under the car news has also spoken to a 33-year-old man from Oslo. He brought his two sons, aged four and five, with him. When the car hit, the father was pushed over. He fell onto his left shoulder. – Then I heard my youngest son scream. He was right under the car. The father tells of complete panic. – I was sure that my youngest son was dead. Before the motor show started, the father took a snap. In the bottom left corner is the back head of his oldest son. Photo: Private The four-year-old suffered head injuries and had to be stitched up in several places. The five-year-old got a car wheel on his foot, but did not break it. The father fared worse. He hurt his arm. It had to be operated on several times. He also had a broken hand. – A shock Patrick Lundevall-Unger is a lawyer in Norway for the German family Aranis Klaas. Photo: Mohammed Alayoubi / news The defense attorney for the defendants says that the motor show has been organized at Bjerke for many years, and that he and his clients believe they have always carried out a risk assessment in advance. The property company Bjerke Travbane Eiendom AS owns the plot. Not Oslo municipality. Nevertheless, the defender believes that it is worthy of criticism that the municipality has not followed up on security. – Oslo municipality could provide input on how it should be set up and adapted, says Lundevall-Unger. The Norwegian Environment Agency rejects the defender’s criticism. – This is not criticism. These are claims pulled straight out of thin air, replies communications director Richard Kongsteien. He adds: – Expecting the municipality to take responsibility for security for a private event on a private area is delusional. The organizer had put up many posters in Oslo ahead of the event at Bjerke last year. Photo: Tommy Wiborg / NRKA The organizer had put up many posters in Oslo ahead of the event at Bjerke last year. Photo: Tommy Wiborg / news – It’s crazy that no one died. The four-year-old and five-year-old are doing well today, says the father. He himself struggles with pain in his arm, neck and head. He also has problems with strength in one hand. He has a lot of flashbacks and has been diagnosed with ptsd. – It is almost as bad as the other ailments. The 33-year-old says that he has a lot of anger towards the organisers. When he was in the hospital, he was provoked when he read that they were going to continue their tour. In retrospect, he thinks it’s incredible that it went as well as it did. Even he was only a few hours away from losing his arm. The doctors discovered the injury. They operated on him. – I’m not religious, but that’s almost how one becomes. It’s absolutely crazy that no one died.
