Termination package for 50 employees in Tibber after deficit in 2022 – news Vestland

The company currently has 350 employees in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands. To be more efficient, up to 50 employees are offered a voluntary severance package. – In some areas, we have had too many employees for a period, says Tibber boss Edgeir Aksnes. – There is no crisis, but we are setting ourselves up for profitable growth in the future. Aksnes says they have done a lot of good, but that some things have also gone wrong in the process of growing as a power company. In just a few years, the company has increased its number of employees tenfold. He refers to the work with final packages as a cleaning process. – In some areas, we have made investments that may not have turned out the way we thought they would turn out. It could be that we have simply made incorrect calculations in 2022. It was Firda and Dagens Næringsliv that mentioned the matter first. Although some employees now have to go, the Tibber boss says that they will also hire more in the future. It is therefore not a question of downsizing, but rather investing in other areas where they want to grow. Tibber has also added approximately 50 new ones since the end of 2022. Edgeir Aksnes in Tibber believes that they will be able to reap last year’s investments beyond 2023. Photo: Gaute Haaversen-Westhassel Great growth abroad From 2021 to 2022, the company increased its turnover from 2, NOK 9 to 8.3 billion. This comes, among other things, from heavy investments abroad. There were breakthroughs in both the Netherlands and Germany, and the company had a record year in Sweden. The reason for the shortfall of half a billion lies in Aksnes’ debts, among other things, on these investments. – We have invested a lot in people and a lot in market expansion and that is part of what we will reap the benefits of in 2023 and beyond. The fact that the company has grown, he believes, has not come out well enough as a result of the boost in reputation they experienced as a result of the much talked about pre-invoicing in 2022. According to Aksnes, this did not have a major impact on the economy. Nevertheless, this is something they have learned from. – We learned that this was the wrong type of move and we will never do it again, says Aksnes. Sad, but necessary The fact that several employees have to quit is something the boss takes with a heavy heart. – This is not something we want to do, but which we now have to do in order to become sustainable beyond the autumn. Aksnes says that the employees have their thoughts about what is now happening, but that everyone understands that what is now happening is right. The final packages that are offered are voluntary and the agreements are thus mutual. He does not think it will be a problem that the employees will not accept the final packages. He is therefore confident that there will be no need for dismissals. The transport company has grown a lot since its inception in 2015. Photo: Espen Breivik / news – We have learned from many other companies that have done the same, and everyone we have spoken to has ended up here that way. We think that there are 40-50 people who want to take these final packages, explains Aksnes, who at the same time says that it is too early to say anything about which area will be affected.
