You have to look for these signs in your old pets – news Nordland

For almost 12 years, Ida Bjørkli was the owner of the cat Tassen. A neutered male cat who liked to be alone as much as possible, but could occasionally seek contact if he wanted food or a little cuddle. In his older days Tassen changed. – He became more approachable and started meowing quite a bit, which he had never done before, says matron Ida. Eventually he also started to urinate and defecate in the house, while at the same time not wanting to be outside anymore, which he used to be very fond of. – He could walk back and forth in the same place all the time, and it seemed as if he sometimes became disoriented and did not realize where he was. It turned out that Tassen had developed dementia. – I was aware that animals could also get dementia, so when he changed I began to understand what it was. According to the vet, owners should watch out for symptoms of old age in their pets. Photo: Elise Angermo Fossland / news Same food at the same time New behavior is one of the clearest signs that your pet is getting old. That’s what veterinarian Linda Bakken Bøe at Bodø vets says. – Cats in particular are very conservative and do not do anything new unless they have a good reason for it. Very often they have walked the same route through the living room and eaten the same food in the same place at the same time of day. If the kitty starts inventing something new, it is quite right that you as a pet owner start to wonder, says Bakken Bøe. One should be aware of symptoms of old age in pets as early as possible. – Understand that your animal has become old and may therefore need more cuddles and attention. The animal can become anxious and scared if the owner does not fully understand what is wrong with it, says cat owner Ida Bjørkli. Mother Ida Bjørkli had fortunately heard that pets could also get dementia. Photo: Private Can prevent A cat is considered a senior from the age of seven, according to Bakken Bøe. The same is generally considered for dogs, but here there can be great variation between the breeds. – So-called giant breeds get old very early. Examples of such breeds include the Irish Wolfhound and the Great Dane. The vet in Bodø says several people can fall into the trap by not thinking about age-related problems related to their animal until they have reached a specific age. Veterinarian Linda Bakken Bøe believes that people can forget that what can happen to us old people can also happen to our pets. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news – We must at all times think that what can bother us humans can also bother our animals. Inge Vogt Engeland is a specialist in small animal diseases at AniCura Telemark, and is Norway’s first veterinarian with a master’s degree in cardiology. He says that taking senior animals for regular check-ups can be the best guarantee for a good old age. – When the pet ages, several diseases can lead to a reduced quality of life. Fortunately, many of these diseases can be prevented and delayed if they are detected early. Here are some tips to give your pet a good and safe old age: Pay attention It is important to pay attention to the fact that your four-legged friend is getting older. It needs more sleep and rest, peace and security, adapted diet and exercise. – An older dog or cat can more easily get cold and suffer from skeletal problems, so perhaps it needs a warmer and softer surface when sleeping, says Engeland. Big changes in exercise level are not good for an aging animal. – If you lie on the sofa for three months and then take a hard walk, it has greater consequences for an older animal than a younger animal, as it is for us and, says Bakken Bøe. Older animals need more rest, and may also change their favorite sleeping place. Photo: Elise Angermo Fossland / news The most common conditions Joint and skeletal diseases are common in both dogs and cats. In addition, there are more people who have problems with their teeth. As many as 60% over the age of five can develop dental diseases which are often very painful. Many people have problems with their teeth and gums. Calcifications and stiffness in the back and legs are also common. Diseases in internal organs such as the liver, kidney and intestine are also not uncommon. In addition, the pets can get dementia. Preventive health care Contact a veterinarian for advice, an appointment or more examinations, encourages Bakken Bøe. – It is of course the case that everything can go wrong for the animal, in the same way that everything can go wrong for us. Annual health checks and vaccinations are always a good idea. In addition, there is feed specially adapted for senior animals. Symptoms to look for Abnormal behavior is a clear sign that your pet may have invisible ailments, says Bakken Bøe. – If they change their favorite place to lie, or stop sitting on the windowsill where they have always sat. There can be quite clear and late signs that they have been in pain for a long time. The fact that the animal suddenly starts to act up inside and seems disoriented are common signs of dementia.
