This is how you protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases such as queer, lesbian, gay or trans – news Trøndelag

– It is a myth among both health personnel and women who have sex with women that you cannot get STDs if you are a lesbian. But that’s not true, says Marit Myreng. She works as a nurse at Sex and Society in Oslo. Myreng says that venereal diseases can be transmitted, among other things, via oral sex, fingering and sex toys. Rolf Martin Angeltvedt in the Health Committee says that some doctors are also convinced that the myth is true. That is why they will have a campaign this summer to get more women to test themselves for venereal diseases. In this case, you can also read about Rolf Martin Angeltvedt working to spread information about sexual health to queers. Photo: Alexandra Gjerlaugsen – The new thing is that you have to test yourself in all body openings. Because these infections thrive in the butt, in the penis or vagina and in the throat. But there are things you can do to limit the risk of infection. Lollipop – As a healthcare professional, I have to recommend lolling for oral sex or rimming, says Myreng at Sex og samfunn. Marit Myreng teaches both pupils and adults about sex, contraception and venereal diseases. Photo: Privat Lick patch is a square piece of latex that you place on the area you want to use your mouth on. You have to keep it in place while you have sex. The lick patch is supposed to prevent infection between mucous membranes, but according to Myreng, the effect of using the patch is not very well documented. There is simply not much research into it. – If you want to be as well protected as possible, you should use it anyway. Even if some people find it impractical. Because the function is there. Lollipops can protect against, for example, the chlamydia bacteria. Photo: news Nor can she offer the notes to people who visit the Sex and Society clinic in Oslo. Because they don’t get money to buy them in. – What some of those who have used the lollipop say is that it is not very sexy to use. As if you only thought about function when you made it, and not situation. Angeltvedt in the Health Committee says that lozenges can also be used by men to avoid getting sore throats or bacteria in the throat when rhyming. Do you want to avoid pregnancy? Good hygiene helps Another way women who have sex with women can reduce the risk of infection is to cut their nails and keep their hands clean. – It protects both yourself and others against venereal diseases. And you should preferably not change sex toys. But if you do, you should use a condom on them, says Myreng You can also use disposable gloves if you are going to finger or fist your partner. In addition, she has general advice for preventing cervical cancer. – If you have a cervix, you should take a pap smear, regardless of how much the vagina is in use. Angeltvedt agrees. – The HPV virus, which is a prerequisite for cervical cancer, is equally or more common among women who have sex with women than among women who only have sex with men. There are therefore good reasons to find protection that suits you. – The protection that is wise for you to use must be based on the type of sex you have. If you have a penis, you should use a condom regardless of your orientation and what you define yourself as, says Myreng. Condoms For gay men and men who have sex with men, condoms are the most important method of protecting themselves against all types of sexually transmitted diseases. – We are not super good in Norway at using condoms. This means that the figures for, among other things, chlamydia are relatively high, and that we saw a clear increase in gonorrhea this winter, says Myreng. The condom is the best tool to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. It can also be cut up and used as a lollipop. Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu/Susanne Stubberød Rom / news She says that if you have not been good at using a condom before, then this is a good time to start. Angeltvedt in the Health Committee says the most important thing is not to have unprotected anal sex. Because this creates the greatest risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. One of the things the foundation does is hand out free condoms at Sognsvann in Oslo. – I was there two weeks ago and filled 4,000 condoms. Now I was up and filling another 2,000. So some actually use condoms, he says. It is also possible to get free condoms online. Myreng also has another piece of advice if you are going to have sex with someone you don’t know. Especially if you meet someone out on the town. – Use your own lubricant. The lubricant can be “spika”. It is a clear recommendation, because not many people know that it works. “Spiking” is when someone has added, for example, GHB or other drugs to drinks or lubricant to drug you down. In addition, you should always test yourself for chlamydia after having unprotected sex with a new partner. That way, you can prevent yourself from infecting someone later. The recommendation for testing applies to everyone under the age of 25, regardless of orientation, gender or symptoms. Prevention against HIV – Even though HIV is a rare disease in Norway today, many say that you still get the HIV test almost as a welcome gift when you come out. Being a queer man or gay is still strongly associated with HIV, says the nurse. But today the treatments available are so good that you can have sex without worrying about infecting others, says Myreng. – Therefore, I think that the worst thing about getting an HIV diagnosis in Norway today is not necessarily the disease itself. The worst thing is the stigma surrounding it. There are few new cases of HIV each year, and there are also medicines that protect against HIV. Pep is a four-week course that will prevent the HIV virus from being able to enter your cells, after you may have been infected. If you suspect that you have been exposed to HIV infection, you should be able to get the medication via the emergency department or the emergency department. – If you have had unprotected intercourse with someone who has a known or high risk of HIV, you can recommend pep. But it is important to start up before 72 hours have passed. The medicine has the best effect if you take it within four hours. In addition, you have prep. These are tablets you take daily or periodically to prevent HIV infection. In Norway, it mainly applies to men and trans men who have sex with men, according to Myreng. These blue pills significantly reduce the risk of getting HIV even if you have unprotected anal sex. Illustration: news – Prep can be obtained, for example, if you have unprotected anal sex, or are intoxicated in connection with sex. Then the condom may slip. Then the sex you have can also be rougher, says the nurse. Heterosexuals who travel to countries where many have HIV can also get prep, writes HivNorge. But there is a downside to the fact that the medicines have become so good, says Rolf Martin Angeltvedt in the Health Committee. – The challenge with prep is that it promotes condom-free sex, which contributes to the spread of infections such as syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. Even if these can be treated, they pose a public health challenge for our target groups, he says.
