Corner stone company Kimek in Kirkenes lays off 30 employees – news Troms and Finnmark

– It is with great regret that the board feels compelled to make redundancies, writes the board of Kimek in a press release today. The cornerstone company in Kirkenes with over 80 employees had full order books for the rest of the year. The situation changed suddenly when the government announced in May that repairs to Russian fishing boats were covered by the sanctions, according to the press release. As a result, the company is laying off 30 employees. Repairs to Russian fishing vessels are included in the government’s sanctions against Russia. As a result, the Kimek shipyard in Kirkenes is forced to lay off 30 employees. Photo: Knut-Sverre Horn / news Fears that many will move Mayor of Sør-Varanger, Lena Norum Bergeng (Ap) takes the news seriously. – It is incredibly sad that you have to take the step of dismissing employees. It is a difficult situation for the entire community in Sør-Varanger. She fears that many of those who have now lost their jobs will now move out of the municipality. – These are mostly skilled workers who will get a job tomorrow elsewhere in Norway, if they are interested in it. This worries me a lot. Expecting help from the government The mayor says the municipality is now looking at measures to prevent evictions in the municipality now continuing after the mass redundancies. – We have been looking at measures for several years now. I hope Kimek gets new assignments that can contribute to more activity in the municipality. Last week, the government came up with a measure package of NOK 105 million for Eastern Finnmark. The funds will facilitate jobs and a good offer for people in Eastern Finnmark. But at Kimek, the disappointment was great when the shipyard was not mentioned in the package of measures. – The government itself has said that this is a starter package and short-term measures. I expect that there will be more in next year’s state budget. I’m sure it does, says the mayor.
