Odin André Hagen Jacobsen is said to have been kidnapped shortly before he disappeared in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

On the night of 18 November 2018, Odin André Hagen Jacobsen disappeared after a city trip in Trondheim. The police believe that he has ended up in the sea at Trondheim harbour, but that nothing criminal has happened. news has been given access to the police documents in the Odin case and can now tell what the witness who was with Odin that night has explained. This is the case: Odin disappeared in Trondheim Photo: Private Odin André Hagen Jacobsen (18) from Skaun in Trøndelag was reported missing by his parents after he did not return home from a city trip in Trondheim in November 2018. The police investigated the disappearance for over four years . On 11 January 2023, the State Attorney in Trøndelag dismissed the case and believes that nothing criminal has happened. Odin’s parents appealed the decision to the Attorney General, but were unsuccessful. The police have assumed that Odin is dead. The public prosecutor believes this is the only logical explanation for Odin not being found. The most probable thing is that Odin has ended up in the sea on the night of 18 November 2018, where he was last seen on video camera, at Pir 2 in Trondheim harbour. Several threats linked to drug purchases Odin took the bus from the training center to the Studentersamfundet in Trondheim on 17 November 2018. There, by agreement, he met his friend “Sigurd”. The plan was to rent a hotel room and take LSD. Odin is said to have told another comrade that same day. At the bus stop there were also four other young men whom Odin was not invited to meet. Odin must have been afraid of one of them. In the time before 17 November, Odin said that he owed the man money for drug purchases. It should be about NOK 500. This is clear from several witness interviews that the police conducted during the investigation. At least twice that autumn, the person appeared when Odin was out driving a car. The person tried to get into the car, but Odin managed to get away. Odin notified the police, who noted this in the log of the Operations Centre: On another occasion, Odin spotted the man in the street and drove on to avoid meeting him. Soon after, Odin received the following message from the person concerned: KK: Don’t think you can run away from me like this, the next time I see you I will beat you. Odin in Fjordgata at 05:39 Sunday morning 18 November 2018. Photo: Police Deny conflict with Odin The six men entered a hotel room at around one o’clock on Sunday morning. Before that they had been out on the town. The question is whether Odin felt deceived or pressured to join the hotel room after discovering the man at the meeting place at the Studentersamfundet. In all cases, the hotel gang denies that there was a conflict between Odin and someone else that night. They explained that they drank beer, watched TV, listened to music and talked. All deny that drugs were used. During the interrogation, the police informed them that they were not going to be punished because of any drugs in the room. The police were only interested in finding out where Odin could be, according to the investigative documents. The young man “Kristian” has been questioned several times by the police in connection with the Odin case. He denies that Odin owed him money: It was the passenger in Odin’s car on 17 October who owed “Kristian” money. And it wasn’t a drug debt, according to “Kristian”. Even though the hotel room was paid for, eventually everyone left the room early on Sunday morning. The explanations for why no one stayed the night are different: “Kristian” wanted to be picked up by his boyfriend, another went home by taxi. while three give each other an alibi by spending the night with one of them. Odin said he should take the bus home to Skaun. It only ran at 10.10 this Sunday. Several also remember that Odin had run out of power on his mobile phone, but that no one had a charger. After Odin left the hotel, he walked around the city and was caught on surveillance camera. At 05:29, Odin walks west in Dronningens gate. Photo: Overvåkingskamera/politiet / news “Kristian”, who denies having threatened Odin a month before, is asked by the police why he did not offer Odin to spend the night at the hotel: “Kristian” states that he has known Odin as a friend for about five days, but as a person it has been for just over a year. The police wrote about a possible conflict after questioning the hotel gang: Conflicting information in the first questions Former police investigator Asbjørn Hansen was engaged by Odin’s parents to go through the investigation. Hansen criticizes the police for having conducted some of the interviews over the phone and for not coordinating the explanations along the way: “In my opinion, the interviews conducted on 19.11.18 and 20.11.18 were conducted without anyone having an overview. No one has read the various interrogations of the hotel gang, and seen the conflicting information that is given.” Police prosecutor Hans Vang was responsible for the prosecution in the Odin case. He points out that for the first couple of days this was investigated as a missing persons case. The most important thing was to talk to people who had been with Odin recently to find out where he might be. A search was made for Odin both in Nidelva and in the sea at Trondheim harbour. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news – At this stage the police had to take into account that Odin could be injured and in need of help. Then it was right to obtain information by telephone, says Vang to news. Most of the hotel gang were questioned at least twice more by the police during the investigation. The police believe the alibi check shows that none of the five have been in the vicinity of Odin at Trondheim harbour. The girlfriend of “Kristian” has explained that she picked him up at the hotel and that they drove over the Pirbrua and out of town to the north. Traffic data and video of the car that have been obtained should show this: Odin’s parents, Dan Yngve Jacobsen and Ingunn Hagen on the quay where the son was last seen on video. Photo: Morten Andersen / news The police believe Odin had a drug problem Witness statements from friends and acquaintances and the discovery of pictures and text messages on his mobile phone lead the police to believe that Odin had a drug problem. But drug use in itself cannot explain the disappearance, the police emphasise. The parents have always been skeptical of the information from the police that the son was involved in drugs. They were asked about this in the hearing after the son disappeared and his mobile phone was found and examined. About the photo he had on his mobile phone, father Dan Yngve Jacobsen says to news: – This is posing. It is a well-known phenomenon from research on social media. Many young people post arranged pictures of themselves to create fictional stories. For example, where they pretend to be dealing with drugs or other things. – We thought that the police would use Odin’s phone to look for new clues in the disappearance case, not to blackmail him. The parents think they would have noticed at home if Odin, for example, smoked weed or was intoxicated due to drugs. Høyr news Updated on the disappearance: Was Odin depressed? His mental health has also been reviewed in the investigation. Friends of Odin told the hearing that he seemed depressed in autumn 2018. – The police have little contact with professionals. Instead, they put their trust in friends and bad reputation. – Mother, who is herself a psychologist, has gone through the material and believes that the presentation to the police shows a lack of insight into Odin’s health, says father to news. – But there is a vast difference between being “depressed” and sad, or clinically depressed as the police make it appear. The parents refuse to believe that drugs or mental illness can explain the disappearance. They complained about the decision by the State Attorney to drop the case. Regarding Odin’s mental health, the Attorney General writes in his refusal to investigate further: The Attorney General also refers to what the parents said when they reported Odin missing. The conversation was recorded on audio: The parents believe the police have placed too much emphasis on their concern that Odin was depressed. Six hours without video evidence He shows the last pictures of Odin on Pier 2 at Trondheim harbor just after 6 o’clock Sunday morning. The investigation has not revealed why he went there. In the video, he asks for his blue bag as he did on the trip through the city center earlier in the night. He also wears the mustard yellow jacket. Passport, mobile phone and bank card were found by a house wall at the harbor two weeks after the disappearance. Training clothes and a shoe lay on some pallets with stones nearby. A man in a white car found, among other things, a pair of earphones at the place where Odin had been seen on video six hours before. When the man later realized that it could be Odin’s, he panicked. The man did not want to be involved in the case, so he burned things in the forest by Jonsvatnet later, he has explained to the police. The white car in the photo was in the same place six hours after Odin was last seen. The man who owned the car confessed to having taken some of Odin’s belongings which were lying on pallets. Photo: The police The police’s in-depth investigation of the man concludes that he was not in the vicinity of Odin at the port either. A video cut of a few seconds has also been found a little further out on Pir 2, with no people on it. None of Odin’s clothes from the harbor can be linked to any of the many who have submitted a DNA sample. There is no evidence of what happened on Pier 2 between 6 and 12 o’clock. – Fairly sure that Odin was exposed to something criminal Odin’s blue bag has not been found. This is a picture of a similar bag of the same type. Photo: Private Access to reports, witness interviews and digital traces, tell of an extensive investigation. All posts in an open Facebook group that was set up to find Odin have been reviewed by the police. Some of the people in the group have also been questioned and thoroughly checked. The same is the case with the person who found Odin’s belongings at Jonsvatnet in April 2019. The parents believe there is no evidence that Odin somehow died that morning or the forenoon at the port. – We are still quite sure that Odin was exposed to something criminal, says Dan Yngve Jacobsen. No objects belonging to his zone have been found in the sea. Nor the blue training bag or the mustard yellow jacket. In the article, news has changed the names of persons from the hotel gang who are mentioned in the case.
