– Music affects emotions to a great extent – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Spoiler alert: This article contains details from “Stranger Things” season four, part one. On Friday, part two of the fourth season of “Stranger Things” premieres on Netflix. The first part was released at the end of May, and Kate Bush sent her 37-year-old “Running Up That Hill” to the top of the charts. The song and the function it has in a special scene at the beginning of season four, has made fans speculate. Max is in trouble before she puts on the headset with Kate Bush. Photo: Courtesy of Netflix / Courtesy of Netflix In a dramatic climax, the evil monster Vecna ​​has captured Max’s consciousness in his dark parallel universe. Her body is left in the real world. She gets out of the dark by her friends playing her favorite song “Running Up That Hill”. As the song is put on, Max experiences that a number of positive memories flow through her head, giving her the strength to escape. This is a well-known phenomenon called musical memories, explains Are Brean. He is a neurologist and associate professor at the Norwegian Academy of Music, where he teaches about music and the brain. Neurologist Are Brean says music communicates our emotions. Photo: Espen Sturlason – Music is a way into our memories. It can burst a kind of memory barrier into memories that no other type of stimulus can to the same degree. – I cried when I saw the scene The scene has made users on the discussion forum Reddit speculate in the underlying message. One writes: “I cried when I saw this scene because it captured so well what it is like to go through a great depressive period and to convince herself not to give up.” Another writes: “She hovers just out of reach of friends her. They want to help, but do not come through because darkness has gripped her. ” Opinions about “Stranger Things” season four from Reddit. Could it be that Vecna ​​symbolizes mental difficulties, and that music can be the salvation? Feeling that no one understands When psychologist and series enthusiast Sissel Garnes saw the scene for the first time, she immediately thought about how mental difficulties are experienced both for the person concerned and those around them. – In a dark, ruined and chaotic world, Max is controlled by Vecna. He tells her that her friends can not help. Dustin, Lucas and the others, for their part, experience not getting in touch with Max in the “real” world, and become frustrated and scared, says Garnes who works as a psychologist in the PP service in Bergen municipality and in private practice. Sissel Garnes believes that Vecna’s world can be interpreted as a parallel to trauma. Photo: Stine Kolaas Nash Vecna ​​and his world can be interpreted as a parallel to special trauma, but also other mental difficulties, Garnes believes. – Trauma can, among other things, lead to changes in consciousness. Then the surroundings may seem foreign, and you feel no one understands. Friends and family can also struggle to understand and find a way in to the person affected, Garnes explains. Guilt after her brother’s death Vecna ​​looks for young people who are struggling with heavy thoughts after traumatic experiences. They have been through accidents and deaths or mental and physical violence in the home. According to Garnes, such experiences affect our thought patterns. This eventually leads to it becoming completely natural for Max to believe in Vecna ​​when he says that she belongs with him in the dark. Garnes interprets the character Max as someone who feels guilt towards his deceased brother. In previous seasons, the relationship between them has been difficult and full of conflict – and after his death it can never be different. Max (Sadie Sink) mourns the loss of his stepbrother in season four of Stranger Things. Photo: NETFLIX It is common to feel guilty after traumatic events, according to Garnes. – All this makes me suspect that the creators of the series have read up on what trauma is and what they do to us. Is it the music that actually saves her? As Max’s consciousness is about to be completely swallowed up by Vecna, “Running Up That Hill” opens a hole in the dark universe that Max can escape from. Is music something that can pull us out of dark thoughts? Max sees the light when she hears “Running Up That Hill”. Neurologist Brean says that music in many ways communicates our emotions, and that it can pull us out of heavy thoughts. – Many people use music consciously to make themselves happy or sad. We know from our own lives that music affects emotions to the highest degree. The reason for this is that music affects the feeling part of our brain much more directly than many other types of sensory stimuli do, according to Brean. – But listening to music is by no means a “quick fix” for depression, he says. Symbolic text Music director for Stranger Things, Nora Felder, says in an interview with Variety that she spent a long time choosing the song that would illustrate the wide range of emotions Max is going through this season. She says that not only the song itself, but also the symbolism of the lyrics, was one of the reasons why she chose it. – It was perfect for Max. Max is having a hard time in season four of “Stranger Things”. Photo: NETFLIX She says the episode where Max escapes Vecna ​​is an epic confrontation between good and evil, but adds something that can confirm Reddit users’ theories. “This scene can be understood as a reference to inner struggles with personal demons that many teenagers struggle with in difficult times, especially if they feel lonely and have lost touch with others,” she tells Variety. – Music is extremely strong – I love that song, says Hilde Østby about “Running Up That Hill”. She is the author of the book “Creativity – The brain science behind the ideas and why daydreams should save the world”, which is about how the different modes of the brain affect life our. Hilde Østby says that music can have a therapeutic effect. Photo: Private – Music is extremely strong. Rhythm, tones, moods, emotions and logic engage different parts of the brain at the same time, she explains. Østby says that music can have a therapeutic effect, but it depends on the situation. – Research shows that it is actually a bit sad music that can put us in free association mode, she says. Free association mode, also called daydream mode (DMN), she explains as the condition you are in if you wait for the bus without looking at your mobile . – We hum-di-stupid in our own thoughts. And it is important for us to be happy and happy, it has to do with good memory, imagination and understanding ourselves and others. So going into your own thoughts is nice. She says that one of the big problems with depression is that it is self-reinforcing. Many people stop listening to music, exercising and going for a walk when they are depressed. They can also withdraw from people, as Max does. – Shows how demanding it is to work with mental health – When Max runs from Vecna’s dark evil, a place free of love, she runs towards contact and a love powerfully manifested by her friends, who have fought like heroes to understand what she needs to be saved, says Nora Felder to Variety about the scene. Sadie Sink plays Max in Stranger Things. Photo: MARIO ANZUONI / Reuters According to psychologist Garnes, this illustrates the importance of safe and good relationships that can give us an experience of friendship, unity and joy, and create hope that things that have been good once can be good again. – The end of the scene, where Max runs towards the opening to our world, while obstacles literally fall from the sky, is a good picture of how demanding it is to work with your own mental health, she says.
