Oslo City Council wants the possibility of a total ban on fireworks – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I believe that fireworks are clearly outdated, writes Sirin Stav (MDG) in a letter to the Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp). In the future, we must think new and green about how celebrations and celebrations can take place – without fireworks, Stav continues. WILL BE ABLE TO BAN: Oslo’s Environment and Transport Agency Sirin Stav (MDG). Photo: Hanna Johre / NTB She asks the government to ensure that Oslo and all other Norwegian municipalities are given authority to introduce local bans on fireworks. – I believe that it is important that we emphasize not only fire safety, but also consideration for people, animals and the environment, says the MDG city council to news. Adverse events On New Year’s Eve, 115 so-called adverse events were registered on a national basis as a result of fireworks. It shows figures from DSB. Adverse events are fires, fires, eye injuries, other injuries and near misses. Of these, 50 were personal injuries, of which 12 were eye injuries. Thought of war That the demand from the city council is coming now, however, is not due to unwise use of fireworks on New Year’s Eve. The background is the launch from a cruise ship at Filipstad on 18 May. Many reacted to the loud bangs late at night. Ukrainian refugees were reminded of the war in their homeland. The fire and rescue service had given permission for the powerful fireworks, but people in the city were not warned for various reasons. – Can not refuse If fire safety is good enough, it will take a lot for the fire service to pour water on fireworks plans. – We do not have the authority to reject an application based on criteria such as noise, environmental protection and animal considerations, says communications manager Sigurd Folgerø Dalen in the Fire and Rescue Service in Oslo. NOT AUTHORITY: The fire service can not reject a fireworks application based on, for example, animal welfare, explains Sigurd Folgerø Dalen in the Fire and Rescue Service. Photo: Torbjørn Morvik / news Fyrverkeri is basically only allowed on New Year’s Eve. Within Ring 2 and in the listed wooden buildings on Kampen and Vålerenga, it is also forbidden then. Those who want to launch rockets at other times of the year must apply to the fire service for a dispensation. – Outside the prohibition zone, we give permission when the applicant has permission from the landowner, and has documented that fire and personal safety is taken care of, Dalen says. Animal welfare This is what this city council wants to do something about. – We must also be able to take into account noise, air quality, animal welfare and the population’s health. – For example, there is a danger that people may be retraumatized by sudden bangs, says Sirin Stav. It is part of the story that the Norwegian Football Association (NFF) had received permission to send up fireworks during the break at the international match between Norway and New Zealand at Ullevaal on Saturday. NFF canceled the fireworks after the shooting in central Oslo the night before. NO FIREWORKS: It was a different type of celebration than the planned fireworks during the international match between Norway and New Zealand last Saturday. Lots of rubbish Among the people news has asked on the streets in Oslo, most people welcome stricter rules. Here are a bunch of statements: – In private, there may well be a total ban. In public settings, it’s okay with me. – I am for a ban because people do not manage to clean up after themselves. There’s a hell of a lot of rubbish. – First and foremost because it scares animals. I know of people in the country who have horses in the stables who have gone mad. – It should be legal. There are far too many forbidden things already. NEW YEAR’S EVE 2019/2020: This was the last year so far with municipal fireworks in the harbor basin. The harbor warehouse on the right and the tower on the fortress behind. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB Wants a ban Sirin Stav does not hide that she personally wants a ban. As a city council representative, in 2020 she put forward a proposal to ban private fireworks together with SV’s Ola Wolff Elvevold. The proposal was then supported by MDG, SV, Rødt, Venstre, Senterpartiet and the independent representative Danny Chaudhry. Stav emphasizes that the city council has not taken a position on the matter. If the city council agrees with its professional city council, there is a clear majority in the city council for stricter rules. – What I am asking the Minister of Justice for is legal authority to be able to tighten up the practice and make their own assessments locally, including a possible general ban. – I think the Minister of Justice and the government understand the desire for local self-government, the environmental council points out. The Ministry of Justice has not responded to news’s ​​requests for a comment on the request from the City Council.
