It will be 25 degrees in the south – snow in the north – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Are you ready for summer and sun? Well, now it’s just around the corner. Especially if you are in southern Norway. There, the temperature can approach 30 degrees during the next week. But the weather will not be as good for the whole country, we are to believe the meteorologists. – In Western Norway and further north it is cloudy weather with rain and rain showers which are the key words, says meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute, Martin Granerud. The temperatures next week seem to stay between 10 and 15 degrees in the west, and in the north between 5 and 10 degrees. Are you satisfied with the weather where you live? Yes No Have nothing to say Show result – Go to the sauna and close your eyes At the city beach in Kristiansand, the sunscreen and swimwear are already on. This Whit Sunday, it is Southern and Eastern Norway that has the best weather with stays and long periods of sunshine. – The weather is absolutely phenomenal, says Ciprian Pater. He lived in Ålesund until last year and sympathizes with those who do not have such good weather. – Take a trip to the sauna, close your eyes and imagine that you are on the city beach here, says Pater. Nina Høigilt has also lived in the north and welcomes everyone who wants to visit the sun. – Poor people, take a holiday here, says Høigilt. – It can’t get any better than this. Get on a plane and come down, says Leif Tofteland. On Tuesday and Wednesday, it can be over 25 degrees in Southern and Eastern Norway, according to the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. No summer atmosphere in the north In the west and in the north, from tomorrow it will be both cooler and more wet in the west and north, according to meteorologist Granderud. And not only that, but snow has been forecast above 400 to 600 meters above sea level. In Nordland and Troms and Finnmark, a yellow danger warning for snow has been issued for the mountain passes on Saltfjellet, Beiarfjellet, Krutfjellet and Gratangangsfjellet. It is also the case for parts of the mountains in southern Norway. This picture is from 26 May when there was a column drive over Hardangervidda. Photo: Andreas Almeland – Calculate extra time if you are going out for a drive. Use the right tires and drive according to the conditions, the meteorologists write on Twitter. Bad weather does nothing In Bodø, Sunday was characterized by rain and wind, but it does nothing for the married couple Ragnhild and Rolf Askevold. – We live far north, so it rains, says Ragnhild. The fact that the weather is nice and warmer in the south doesn’t matter to them. – They don’t have all the other things we have. The light, nature and the sun. We can withstand a little rain, it’s just a matter of getting dressed, says Rolf. Rolf Askevold is not from the north, but says that this is where he wants to live. His wife Ragnhild is from Lofoten. Photo: Kristin Thrane But the tourists who are heading to Lofoten are not as optimistic. – We did not expect the weather to be so bad. But it is as it is, say Maria Salemeron and Cristian Rodriguez. They have found shelter in the center of Bodø where they make some coffee. – We come from Spain, so we are not used to this, says Cristian. The couple from Spain usually live in Trondheim. Photo: Kristin Thrane Too much snow for summer skiing Even for those who live off the ski season in the summer are not very happy about the snowy weather that has hit. Stryn summer skiing at Strynfjellet had a plan for a great opening weekend in Whitsun, but it didn’t turn out that way. – Today you couldn’t hold on. There is so much wind and snow. Nothing reminds of summer, says general manager, Nina Lensebakken. She also says that the snow that is coming now will not help, but that it will just pile up and become sticky. – We are a summer ski centre. We are used to rain, but not as much weather as it has been now.
