The survey will reveal Norway’s worst accident sites – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We know that many bicycle injuries occur due to single accidents – because there are stones and holes in the road. If we get an overview of where these injuries occur, we can also take measures to prevent them, says Torkel Bjørnskau. He is a researcher at the Department of Transport Economics (TØI), which is behind the project ReCyCLIST. Using a digital registration tool, people can mark where they have been involved in a bicycle accident. In this way, TØI, hospitals and emergency rooms can get a unique overview of places where many accidents occur. The red dots will eventually reveal where many bicycle accidents occur. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news The results can be used by TØI and the transport authorities to take measures in the areas that are particularly vulnerable. Patients who come in after bicycle accidents must also be followed up and mapped. – For the health sector, it is important to gain knowledge about what kind of long-term consequences we are talking about, says Bjørnskau. Many cyclists who have been involved in an accident end up here. Now TØI and Sørlandets hospital will find out why. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Not afraid of cycling Mathias Ronold rides a lot, but is not so afraid that things will go wrong. He is nevertheless positive that accidents are mapped. – Kristiansand is a cycling town, so it is not stupid that they take a little extra care of the cyclists. – Here in Kristiansand, I think the bike is absolutely fabulous, says Helle Sofie Sagøy. She is also positive about the mapping system. – I feel a little stupid here I stand without a helmet, she laughs. It’s a bad habit. She herself thinks that electric scooter bikes are scarier to use a regular bike. Helle Sofie Sagøy thinks it is a bad habit not to wear a helmet. But she loves cycling in Kristiansand. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Will also map the extent of damage The new system will first be tested. Sørlandet has been selected as the test area. Monica Mykland Andersen is positive that the accidents and injuries will now be mapped. She is the unit manager at the emergency department at Sørlandets hospital, where they admit many who have been exposed to bicycle accidents. Someone very serious. She believes that the survey can help answer questions such as where and why it happens. Kristiansand is a cycling town, and many people use the marked cycle paths. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news – We are very positive about it because we believe it can have a preventive effect. If patients who have been exposed to a bicycle accident come in, they are asked if he or she is willing to join the research project. Patients are also followed up afterwards to map the long-term consequences of such accidents.
