Viken requests cancellation of exams for 397 students – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

23 May 2023 at 16:18 Viken requests the cancellation of exams for 397 students Viken county council requests that the Directorate of Education cancel exams for 397 students. – We are now sending an application for cancellation for the students who were sent home from the exam on Monday 22 May. It is very important that they get equal opportunities for further education in the future when their exam was not completed at all, says county director for education and skills, Jan Helge Atterås, in Viken county municipality. The application will be sent this week. It applies to 397 students from Hønefoss upper secondary school and Ringerike upper secondary school who on 22 May were to take the exam in Norwegian main subject or other variants of the Norwegian subject at AKA Arena in Ringerike. Here there were local problems with the network, in addition to the national problems with the Norwegian Directorate of Education’s login system. There were similar challenges which meant that the exams for the students in Møre and Romsdal were cancelled. Both the cancellation of the exam and exemption from the requirement for the number of exams on the diploma are requested. This means that students do not get a new exam, but get a separate note on the diploma. This means that the diploma has then been approved and students can apply for further education in the usual way.
