Salmon and meat have become much more expensive and lead to a plunge in sales – news Nordland

– In the last year, the sale of fresh fish has fallen sharply, says Martin Odding at the fresh produce counter at Eurospar in Bodø centre. – It comes primarily from the prices. The customers think it is far too expensive. Many people get a bit of a shock when they receive the award. The food in Norwegian shops is only getting more and more expensive. At the latest in February, the prices were turned up another notch. Some of the goods that have increased the most in price are fresh fish and meat. And it will in any case have consequences for the sale of fish. Prices go up, sales plummet Figures from the Norges group are clear. Seafood sales have fallen 13 percent so far this year. – It is the decline in the sale of pure fish that has the biggest impact, writes the head of communications in Norgesgruppen, Kine Søyland, in an e-mail to news. And in the salmon and aure fillet fillet, it is clear that the fillet follows the price. – The volume fell dramatically when the prices for fish increased. It challenges our goals for a healthier shopping basket that contains fish and seafood, writes Søyland. They see that clean fish is to some extent being replaced by processed fish products such as fish cakes and pudding. Sales of such products have increased by 20 per cent, figures from Norgesgruppen show. Both Coop and Norway’s Seafood Council see the same trends. Prices go up, and sales in most cases go down. – At the same time, we see that frozen salmon fillets have had a slight price drop, and an increase in sales of over 20 per cent, writes seafood analyst Eivind Hestvik Brækkan in the Seafood Council to news. Whether the decline in sales has major consequences for the Norwegian seafood industry is difficult to say. – It probably varies between different parts of the industry. For some players, Norway is a very important market, but the vast majority of Norwegian seafood is exported abroad, writes Brækkan. SUBSTITUTES: Fishcakes and other fish products replace pure fish products to a certain extent when prices rise. Photo: Petter Strøm / news At Europris in Bodø, Martin Odding sees that people prefer to buy frozen fish and frozen fish products. – As I see it, it is not necessarily a challenge. You hardly get fresher fish than the frozen fish. It is frozen right after he is taken from the sea, so the quality of the fish is very good. Unfortunate turn Nutritionist Malin Rofstad Berg at Nordlandssjukehuset thinks it’s a shame that we replace pure products with processed food. – It is of course not a positive development. We want everyone to have the opportunity to buy clean raw materials, regardless of their finances. It worries me that fish products will become more expensive, as we already see that most Norwegians eat too little fish, says Berg. EXPENSIVE: Approximately 600 grams of first price salmon fillet with skin costs NOK 208 per kilo at Kiwi in central Bodø. Photo: Petter Strøm / news She says there are big differences in the nutritional content of the pure fish fillets and the processed products. Especially when it comes to vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. And people need more knowledge about that, she believes. – In addition, many fish products contain less than 50 per cent fish, and then one can ask the question whether it can be called a fish product at all, says Berg. Furthermore, she says that an important tip is to always read the content declaration, and choose a fish product where fish is the first ingredient. They have a high proportion of pure fish meat and as much protein as possible. – If fresh produce is too expensive, then it can be worthwhile to choose frozen ingredients, they are often cheaper, she says.
