Suspects that illegal salsbu sel foreign cherries as Norwegian along the road – news Vestland

This is what the Road Act §57 says: It is forbidden to damage public roads or to damage or remove facilities that belong to public roads. In the property area of ​​a public road, it is forbidden without permission from the road authority 1. to dig, blow up, remove masses, chop wood or make other interventions, 2. to put advertising equipment or other equipment, to lay timber, wood, stone, peat, building materials or other in a city other than where a special public storage space has been created for such use. 3. to throw or put rubbish, weeds, etc., or to rent sewage or drainage water. Very close to a public road, it is forbidden without permission from the road authority to put rubbish or electricity in such a way that it can be disfiguring or annoying for the road users or for the operation of the road. It is forbidden to let animals graze on the fenced public road or to tether animals so that they can enter the property area to a public road. This is what the Road Act §33 says: Advertising signs or similar devices must not be placed by a public road without a permit or placed so that they are directed towards road traffic or are visible to road users. Advertising signs or similar devices that display the name of a business or what business it is, or that otherwise advertise the business, may nevertheless be placed on the buildings for the business without a permit. If the road authority finds that such a billboard or similar device is dangerous to traffic, it may order that it be removed in accordance with the rule in the fourth paragraph. Permits can be granted until further notice or for a limited time if the road authority finds that the advertising sign or facility will not be dangerous to traffic. A traffic-hazardous advertisement is a device that can be taken for a traffic signal, road sign or road marking, or obstruct the clear view along the road, or that can draw road users’ attention away from the road or traffic. With a view to avoiding danger to road users, the Ministry may prohibit certain types of advertising signs and similar facilities and the placing of such signs and facilities at certain places or at certain road sections. If billboards or similar devices are placed in contravention of what is stipulated in or pursuant to this Act, or if the billboard or device is changed so that these are in conflict with the law, the road authority may immediately arrange for them to be removed, moved or changed. . The person responsible must then bear the cost, if he or she does not take the time to remove, move or change the billboard or facility within a set deadline. If the road authority finds it necessary for the sake of traffic safety, prior notice in accordance with the Public Administration Act may be omitted. Notice that applies to many individual parties can be announced in a magazine that is commonly read in the city. Decisions pursuant to the first, second and fourth paragraphs are made by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for national roads, the county municipality for county roads and the municipality for municipal roads. Source:
