We must discuss our relationship with Europe – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Whether it is so that the Prime Minister will have an excuse to get half an hour in one of Reykjavik’s many municipal baths is not known. But news joined the prime minister on something he tries to find time for every time he is in Iceland. A visit to a “heitur pottur”. A geothermal bath. The one we have taken a seat in holds a nice 42 degrees. – I always come here when I’m in Iceland. It is an Icelandic folk tradition to be in these baths. Iceland is a very special country for Norway. There is something about the fact that here they speak the same language that we spoke hundreds of years ago. I always get a warm feeling …, he says and nods obliquely into the water, – … when I’m here. HEIT (UR): The geothermal pool in Sundhöllin is one of the Prime Minister’s favorite places in Iceland. Photo: Joakim Reigstad / news Today and yesterday, history’s fourth summit of the Council of Europe will be held. The organization was founded in 1949 by, among others, Norway, which will work for democratic values, human rights and freedom of expression in Europe. Historic moment – ​​The Council of Europe has taken a bit of a back seat to the EU and other European endeavours, NATO and the like, says Støre. But adds that he believes the council represents the core of the values ​​held most highly in Europe. – A very telling expression of that is that heads of government and heads of state from all over Europe, almost without exception, gather for a day. It is an important historical moment, he says. TOTAL: 46 heads of state and government (as well as some ministers) from the member states of the Council of Europe are these days gathered in Iceland for a summit. Photo: John MacDougall / AFP The main theme of the meeting is the war in Ukraine and its consequences. Among other things, the Council of Europe will start mapping and collecting information about the destruction in Ukraine. The goal in the long term is to have concrete figures to show when or if the war ends up in the courts. Then it will be possible to claim documented costs back from Russia. – It will be the first step to get a compensation settlement. In the first instance, you must get an overview. After that, it is a prerequisite that one adheres to the principle that there must be a legal settlement, says the Prime Minister. BATHER: Prime Minister Støre says that there are clear traditions and etiquette to follow when bathing in Heitur Pottur. But the most important thing is to relax and perhaps find time for a nice chat with your partner Photo: Joakim Reigstad / news Discussing Europe – not the EU At the same time, much of the more operative cooperation in Europe takes place through the EU. Støre is clear that he welcomes discussions about Norway’s connection to Europe and the EU. – We must have a debate about our relationship with Europe. I’m all for that. But I am concerned that we now stand together on what we agree on. We have close cooperation with the EU and it works very well, says the Prime Minister. He has thus, as best as possible, closed the door to a new EU fight as long as he is prime minister. – A debate and a referendum on Norwegian membership in the EU now, I think, will divide us. It is an honest matter in a democratic age, but I don’t think that time is now. It is not put on the agenda as a political issue. But that we have a discussion in parties and in society about our relationship with Europe; I say a big “yes” to that. RELAXES: Støre makes the most of the short break between meetings. Photo: Joakim Reigstad / news In the air there is light rain and 3–4 degrees. But the water temperature remains stable. The same cannot be said about the situation of democracy and human rights in a number of countries in Europe. Erdogan did not appear Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is increasingly being described as a president who can tip Turkey over to becoming a dictatorship. Dissidents are gagged in countries such as Poland and Hungary. External influences, in the form of propaganda, may have influenced elections worldwide. – At this meeting, we will adopt a number of texts in which we will ring these principles. All governments in the member states must look at themselves in the mirror and see if they live up to the Council of Europe’s values, says Støre and adds: – It is only a year since Russia was excluded after the attack on Ukraine. The fact that we are a group of countries also puts pressure on each other. And I hope it also reaches countries that have tampered with democracy, freedom of expression and human rights, says Støre. NEW ROUND: Opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu’s supporters must face a new round in the presidential election on 28 May. Photo: Yves Herman / Reuters Regarding the election in Turkey in particular, the prime minister is careful to choose the right wording. – We must respect the fact that there will be a second round of elections. Whether it is declared free and fair is up to election observers to comment on. But we will have to wait for the next round of elections. The president of Turkey is not here because of the election either, says Støre. Instead, Turkey has sent Deputy Foreign Minister Mehmet Kemal Bozay. Familiar faces in Iceland While we are sitting in the bathroom, several Icelanders pass by. They recognize the Norwegian Prime Minister and greet him. That there is a close relationship between Norway and Iceland seems clear. INTERVIEW: news interviewed the prime minister in a Heitur Pottur in Iceland – and avoided getting water on camera. Photo: Joakim Reigstad / news – We are in close contact. And now Norway also contributes to monitoring Icelandic airspace, in rotation with some other countries. It is the proximity between Norway and Iceland that provides security here in North-West Europe. The meeting has therefore been partly added to Norway’s national day, 17 May. A random choice, as Støre quickly points out. But he quickly adds that there is something a little wonderful about having such a summit on National Day. – 17 May, for us, is about ringing up our constitution, democracy, our freedom and human rights. It is important for us at a time when a cruel war is raging in Europe, he points out. MAY 17 WE ARE SO HAPPY: Støre starts the celebration of May 17 in Iceland before the trip goes home in time for some commemoration in Norway in the afternoon. Photo: Joakim Reigstad / news – The vast majority of countries in Europe clearly distance themselves from it and want to circle around these values. It makes sense in itself and perhaps even more so on 17 May. Frustrated young voters in Turkey are threatening to leave the country if Erdogan wins the election again. In the Ukraine podcast, we ask whether the Russian army has learned from all the mistakes it made early in the war
