Norway has passed 5.5 million inhabitants – news Nordland

Population growth is the largest in a first quarter since 2012. And this is happening despite a historically low birth rate. – Although fertility continues to fall, the population continues to increase. In the first quarter, we passed 5.5 million, partly due to the increase in Ukrainian citizens, says adviser Magnus Haug at Statistics Norway. Net immigration, i.e. immigration minus emigration, was the highest in a first quarter since Statistics Norway began publishing such figures in 1997. The high figures make up for the fact that fertility is very low. The second figure that affects the population is the number of deaths and births. – Lowest ever In the first quarter, the birth surplus, births minus deaths, was 760. – This is the lowest birth surplus ever in Statistics Norway’s statistics and is largely due to the constantly falling number of births, writes Statistics Norway. Fertility has been falling in Norway since 2009, with the exception of 2021. All counties in Norway experience population growth in the first quarter. Viken is the country’s most populous, and here the increase has also been greatest – with 4,053 more inhabitants. Photo: SSB Increase also in Nordland In the first quarter, Nordland grew by 787 people – to a total of 241,871 inhabitants. – It’s great fun, and everyone is most welcome. We need more and we will continue to work to show how great it is to live and live here in Nordland, says county council leader Elin Dahlseng Eide (Ap) to news. The growth is due to the 1,143 Ukrainian refugees who have arrived. – Much is a result of Ukraine. Our upper secondary schools have received just over 200 new students. We have ongoing admissions in Nordland, so everyone who comes from Ukraine can start upper secondary school right away. It is important to make friends and become independent. Dahlseng Eide is not as happy that fewer children are being born. – People must have more children, quite simply. We depend on people having more children, and then we depend on the young people staying or coming back home. In Bodø, the population increases by 263 inhabitants. Which is largely due to large immigration. Sortland increases by 86 inhabitants. Narvik with 48. Lødingen has the largest relative population growth with 27 inhabitants. Which is due to over 100 immigrants. Alstahaug has also seen significant growth with 72 inhabitants. Herøy has experienced the biggest decline, which has lost 17 inhabitants. Rana goes back by 15 and is the only one of the large urban municipalities to see fewer residents.
