Will have an external investigation after the 25 June shooting – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– If the Minister of Justice himself does not take the initiative for an external investigation in which the intelligence service is also involved, the FRP will put forward a proposal about this in the Storting, says Per-Willy Amundsen (FRP). He is supported by several justice politicians who also demand that the National Intelligence Service is now investigated. Two people were shot and killed during the Pride celebrations in the center of Oslo last summer. Per-Willy Amundsen will put forward proposals for an external review if the Minister of Justice does not do so. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB After the attack, it has emerged that the National Intelligence Service notified PST of a possible terrorist attack. Despite this, the PST did not start with a so-called preventive investigation. The question many are now asking is what did the secret services know before the shooting? On 8 June, a committee will deliver its report. The intelligence service is not part of what is being investigated. The opposition in the Storting is critical of this. The intelligence service has submitted a written statement that the evaluation committee has received. – This is bigger than an internal evaluation. It has created a sense of distrust, and there are unanswered questions related to the e-service and PST. The question is whether this could have been prevented, and we cannot live with an internal evaluation deciding that, says Amundsen. Pressure is increasing on the Minister of Justice On Tuesday, news wrote that the Oslo police have been waiting for at least six months for new information from the E-service. On the same day, VG published messages that were sent between a wanted Norwegian Islamist and an agent from the Norwegian Intelligence Service before the attack. Zaniar Matapour’s defender believes that the PST and the Norwegian Intelligence Service may have known enough to avert the terror. Matapour is charged with terror and murder after the mass shooting. The well-known Islamist Arfan Bhatti has been charged with complicity in serious terrorism. The right-wing justice policy spokesperson Sveinung Stensland believes the government has been absent from the debate after the attack. Sveinung Stensland (H) believes the government has been absent from the debate after the attack. Photo: Siri Vålberg Saugstad / news – This is not well handled. I brought this up in the Storting this winter, precisely to get a greater breadth in the evaluation. The sticking point now is the relationship between the National Intelligence Service and PST ahead of the terrorist attack, says Stensland to news. – Does that mean that you believe the E-service must be part of the investigation? – Yes, and that is why I brought this up in the Storting, says Stensland. Missing the queer in the evaluation The Liberal Party is also critical of what is to be evaluated. – Liberals think it’s a shame that the evaluation the Ministry of Justice has initiated did not include the collaboration with the E-service. Despite this, I hope that the evaluation will provide good answers to what needs to be done next, says Venstre’s Grunde Almeland, leader of the family and culture committee at news. – The queer organizations are unfortunately not part of that evaluation either, which I fear could lead to a lack of legitimacy among those who were greatly affected by the terror, says Almeland. He also points out that the Minister of Justice must take action. – The revelations we have seen in the media in the time after the terror show that there are many questions that are still unanswered. There should be clear signals to the Minister of Justice that she herself should take the initiative for an investigation that is carried out externally. Steinar Ottesen, adviser to Ap’s parliamentary group, says they will wait to comment before the investigation report is available. news has sent several questions and submitted the criticism in this case to the Ministry of Justice, but they have not yet answered our inquiries. Nor has the Ministry of Defense responded to our inquiries.
