Brown bear spotted outside Oslo – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The police ask those who may observe the bear to keep calm and leave it alone. – It is not relevant for us to do anything right now. This may be unaccustomed to easterners, but if this had been in Trysil or in Finnmark it would have been completely normal, says operations manager Finn Håvard Aas in the Eastern police district to NTB. On Thursday evening, a bear was observed running along county road 177 in the municipality of Nes in Romerike. The incident was filmed by a passerby. According to Romerikes Blad, the bear has been observed in several places in Romerike. According to the newspaper, it should be moving south, which is also true considering where it was supposed to have been seen on Saturday evening. Olav Mæhlum, head of the wildlife committee in Nes, follows the brown bear’s migration southwards on Romerike. – It follows a route the wolf has taken many times, but as far as I know, a bear has never walked in the same areas. Now it has been seen in Hvamsåsen – on the border of old Sørum municipality, says Mæhlum to the newspaper.
