The FeFo director will appeal to the supreme court – news Troms and Finnmark

2 May 2023 at 08:24 The FeFo director will appeal to the Supreme Court Ten days after the verdict was handed down, director of the Finnmarkseiendommen (FeFo) Jan Olli reports that they are appealing the verdict. – We have agreed that I will propose to the board that we appeal the case to the Supreme Court. The verdict from the Norwegian Foreign Affairs Court was handed down on 21 April. With the narrowest possible majority – three to two judges – it came to the conclusion that the local population of Karasjok is the rightful owner of the land in almost the entire municipality. The residents thus become Norway’s third largest landowner, with 5,361 square kilometres. The disputed area is today owned by the Finnmarkingen’s joint landowner body Finnmarkseiendommen. Now Olli says that he feels it is an uncertain legal basis. – There are several factors that indicate that we should appeal. There was no unanimity either in the Finnmark Commission or in the Norwegian Foreign Affairs Court. Nor have they made the same legal assessments and have different starting points. All this means that there is an uncertain legal basis, says the FeFo director. He has great faith that the Supreme Court will take up the case. – We know that this is a difficult and complicated matter and that professional lawyers also have different views on the matter. It is therefore important that the Supreme Court decides on and makes a thorough assessment of this so that we get a secure legal basis which will be of great importance for the further survey.
