Weather on the mountain passes – news Vestland

– A bit of wind has been reported this weekend and there is some precipitation such as snow, which makes for difficult driving conditions, says traffic operator Marianne Hove at Vegtrafikksentralen West. A yellow warning of snow drifts has been sent out for parts of the mountain in southern Norway on Saturday. There are still closures or convoy driving on a couple of mountain passes: National Highway 7 over Hardangervidda is closed to cars and there is convoy driving for vehicles over 7.5 tonnes. On county road 50 Hol – Aurland, convoy driving has been introduced from 2:30 p.m. Only cars with winter tires may join the column. For Hardangervidda, plow crews report poor prospects for free traffic during the day. On the E134 over Haukelifjell there has been convoy driving. Here it was opened for free traffic around 11.30 am. On national highway 13 Vikafjellet, there has been convoy driving, but here it was opened to free traffic on Saturday morning. Rev. 52 Hemsedalsfjellet is open, but due to bad weather there may be queue driving. – Motorists who are going over the mountain must have winter tyres, is the message from the Norwegian Road Traffic Centre. The status of all mountain passes can be found here. There was convoy driving on Haukelifjell for an hour on Saturday. Around At 11.30 it was opened to free traffic. Photo: Tale Hauso / news Snow forecast – It will be a bit windy throughout the day, so you should expect a slightly reduced attendance on some mountain passes, says Hove. She encourages motorists to follow to get updated traffic reports. Snow was forecast for parts of Western Norway this weekend. – We have received some reports that there is a lot of snow in the northern part of Sogn og Fjordane. Winter tires are required there and you have to be careful when you are out driving. A yellow warning for snow is out for Saturday. Photo: Meteorological Institute The last weekend in April may be cloudy in several places in Norway. For Northern Norway, the weather will change, with periods of both precipitation and sunshine. West of the mountains and in Trøndelag, precipitation and some wind are expected. – Winter has not waved goodbye quite yet, says meteorologist Charalampos Sarchosidis.
