The terrorist charge after the Oslo shooting is remanded in custody for four weeks – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

It emerges from a ruling from Oslo District Court on Monday. He is also subject to complete isolation for two weeks and a media ban for two weeks. – The police have not conducted new interrogations, but are ready to accept his explanation, Ingvild Myrold. The police’s request for custody for Zaniar Matapour is being processed as an office business. This means that the request for custody is not processed in a court hearing. Ingvild Myrold ​​informs about the investigation. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news Matapour had already announced that he would consent to the request for custody. The court has therefore come to the conclusion that it is unnecessary to hold a separate court hearing to deal with the issue. Danger of misuse of evidence The court believes that there is good reason to suspect Matapour of murder, which could lead to a higher sentence than imprisonment for six months. The court believes that as of today it is not necessary to take a position on the question of terrorist intent when they decide to remand Matapour in custody. Matapour is not allowed to communicate with others, because it fears important evidence will be wasted. Therefore, he is banned from letters, visits and the media, and is put in solitary confinement. – The case is in an early phase and the accused has so far exercised his right not to explain himself. The court presupposes in the usual way that an ongoing assessment is made of any need for medical follow-up or other conditions that may be important for the assessment of proportionality, it is stated in the ruling from the Oslo District Court. Will not be questioned Matapour is charged with terror, two murders and several attempted murders. On the night of Saturday 25 June, he drew his weapon and shot around outside several nightclubs in Rosenkrantz ‘gate in central Oslo. He was arrested after a short time, where civilians assisted the police. Matapour did not want to be questioned after the attack. The police will make audio and video recordings of the interrogation, but the accused is afraid that they will then be able to manipulate these. He demands that the interrogations be broadcast to the public if the police are to record them. – We have been strong in that we want that interrogation to be recorded on audio and video, which is the main rule. It is a guarantee of legal certainty, says Myrold. Watch news’s ​​timeline of the shooting here: Has released the names of those killed Monday morning, the police went out with the names of those killed in the attack. The two killed are Kaare Hesvik and Jon Isachsen. The police go out with the names in consultation with the relatives.
