Voting for the position of deputy leader at the national meeting of the Christian People’s Party – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It is very big. And I am very grateful for the support that the National Assembly has shown me. It means a lot, says Røse. Now she wants to help build a strong team in the run-up to the local elections this autumn. The selection committee had nominated Ida Lindtveit Røse (30) from Oppegård in Viken as the new deputy chairperson of KrF. She is described as a political talent, and she was the country’s youngest minister when she acted as minister for children and families in 2020. But just a few days before the national assembly, Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius (43) from Lillesand in Agder announced that she would take up the fight for the position of deputy leader. The two candidates have different values ​​in several areas. CHALLENGER: Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius (TV) challenged Ida Lindtveit Røse for the position of deputy leader, but did not succeed. Photo: Vibecke Wold Haagensen / news New bench proposal It was central board member Magne Suphellen from Vestland who proposed Lossius as deputy chairman instead of Røse. From the pulpit, he emphasized the difference between the two in their view of the abortion law. – Here Ida Lindtveit Røse wants something else, she wants to accept the law instead. It is the wrong way to go, it will weaken KrF, said Suphellen. STILLER: Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius was ready to become KrF’s new deputy leader, but lost the vote. Photo: Vibecke Wold Haagensen / news When Lossius lost the battle vote against Røse, Supphellen came up with a new bench proposal that Lossius should get one of the five permanent seats in the central board. She didn’t get that. This is KrF’s new central board Chair: Olaug V. Bollestad (Rogaland) 1st deputy chair: Dag Inge Ulstein (Vestland) 2nd deputy chair: Ida Lindtveit Røse (Viken) Other members of the central board: Per Sverre Kvinlaug (Agder) Magne Supphellen (Vestland) Øystein Stjern (Rogaland) Linda Helen Haukland (Nordland) Randi W. Frisvoll (Møre og Romsdal) Deputies: Hans Olav Syversen (Oslo) Charlotte V. Hoven (Innlandet) Tore Storehaug (Viken) Karoline Grosås Nordbø (Nordland) Abortion central question I ahead of the deputy leader election, it was assumed that there could be a new abortion debate. Since the abortion case was one of the reasons why Jorunn G. Lossius was proposed as a counter-candidate to the selection committee’s recommendation. While Ida Lindtveit Røse is considered liberal, Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius is referred to as more conservative. Røse will maintain the current abortion law, and says yes to abortion up to week 12. Lossius is equally clear that she believes the current law should be tightened. – I am very clear that abortion will always be about two people, and that children in the womb have independent human dignity and deserve stronger legal protection, says Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius. But there was little debate in this round. Only a few spoke before the election was carried out. Ida Lindtveit Røse (30) won the voting to become KrF’s new deputy leader against Jorunn G. Lossius. Photo: Vibecke Wold Haagensen / news Looking towards the local elections And the newly elected deputy leader will not directly answer whether the Christian People’s Party will become a more modern and liberal party with her as the one deputy leader. – I will contribute to strengthening the team, and then the party will make its political decisions. She has previously said that she wants to develop a new policy, strengthen the organization and secure new recruitment in order to speed up KrF again. She admits that she was excited before the election. – You are always nervous before an election. And then there is something about the fact that an election is not the whole of life either, so in that sense I was safe regardless of what kind of result would come, says Ida Lindtveit Røse. Bollestad re-elected Before the deputy leader election, Olaug Bollestad who was expected to be unanimously re-elected as leader of KrF for two years. LEADERSHIP: Olaug Bollestad was re-elected as leader, Ida Lindtveit Røse won the battle to become the new deputy leader and Dag Inge Ulstein was re-elected as deputy leader. Photo: Vibecke Wold Haagensen / news Bollestad (61) has led the Christian People’s Party since January 2019. She has sat in the Storting since 2009 with the exception of the years as Minister of Agriculture from 2019 to 2021. Dag Inge Ulstein was re-elected as the party’s first deputy leader.
