Robin experienced the shooting drama in Oslo up close – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

On the night of Saturday 25 June, Zaniar Matapour pulled out a weapon and shot himself outside several nightclubs in Rosenkrantz ‘gate in central Oslo. Two people lost their lives and several people were seriously injured. Robin Furunes (33) from Drangedal ended up in the middle of the shooting drama. He never thought he would see the family again when he sent this text message to his big brother: Sat. Jun 25, 01: 21RRobin: Shooting hereHappy dikkanPPatrick: Shall I come in to get you Robin ?? Then you can come home to Drangedal. Sat. Jun 25, 04: 34PPatrick: Where are you now? Did you travel to the apartment? – The damn seconds I have ever experienced Summer night started so well. Robin and the group of friends first met in the Pride tent at Spikersuppa in central Oslo. Happy people and good atmosphere in the streets. Just after midnight, the trip continued to the nightclub London Pub, a popular gathering place for gays in the capital. The friends enjoyed themselves with wine, and looked forward to the Pride celebration the next day. Just after 1 o’clock, he went outside with a friend to have a smoke. – We enjoyed ourselves and chatted, he tells news. Then came the first bang. SAFE: At home at the kitchen table with his big brother in Drangedal, he feels safe. – My family and employer have been a huge support this weekend. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news At first he thought the sound came from fireworks. Then all the howls came from people in the street around him. – Then I realized that it must be something serious. Someone threw himself on the ground. Other races. He himself stormed in through the door of the London pub. Up a flight of stairs and further into the room he knows so well from previous visits. At the same time, a boy who had been hit fell. Together with another girl, he tries to help the guest who was lying bloody on the floor. Then came another ointment. – Then we agreed that we had to hide, says Robin. – These are the damnest seconds I have ever experienced. Shortly afterwards, another guest came running in and told them that the perpetrator was heading in their direction. – Then I thought that my last seconds had come. Called big brother from the hiding place Around him people were hysterical. First, he sent text messages to his big brother at home in Drangedal, where he himself grew up. Then he called to say goodbye. The brother responded quickly. – He was asleep, so at first he probably did not quite understand what I was saying, but it did not take long before the seriousness of the situation dawned on him, Robin remembers. The two brothers had telephone contact for several minutes. Big brother tried to calm down the little brother in an unimaginably dramatic situation. – It was tough, says Robin. HEAVY: Robin Furunes has realized that the incident in Oslo is something he wants to carry with him. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news When the police finally got control of the situation, a quick interrogation awaited, before he could go home to the apartment at Torshov in Oslo. The next day he went straight home to Drangedal, where he has spent the rest of the weekend to calm down. He has received help and support from his older brother, sister-in-law and nephews aged 9 and 12. The employer also arrived quickly on the same night as the incidents, with an offer of someone to talk to. – I think about it all the time. It’s good to talk about it sometimes. Other times it is good to talk about everything else, he says, and sends a warm look in the direction of his nephews. The boy who was hit in front of him survived the gunshot wounds. – I was sure that he died, with all the blood and that he lay still. Now I have heard that he survived and is in hospital. I hope he recovers quickly. It was too damn good to see him lying there in pain. Should participate in a memorial service on Monday Monday night, the various queer organizations had planned a celebration at Rådhusplassen, consisting of speeches and musical elements. Robin Furunes was also to be present. Now he has to take it as it comes, and participate if something spontaneous happens. The most important thing is to meet friends. – It will be good to talk about what has happened, and be together. There were many who had looked forward to celebrating pride.
