Kaare and Jon were killed in the mass shooting in Oslo – news Vestland

On Monday, the police announced the names of the two who were killed in Oslo the night before the Pride parade on Saturday 25 June. The two are: Jon Isahcsen, born in 1968 Kaare Hesvik, born in 1962 – He laughed so loudly Kaare Hesvik lived in Bærum municipality, the police say. His friend Kristian Dominic Blix will especially remember Kaare Hesvik’s loud laughter and big smile. Photo: Private – What I will remember best with him is the joy he spread around the table when we met. And the big smile. He laughed so loud. That’s what Kristian Dominic Blix says, who lost his friend Kaare in the shooting in Oslo on Saturday. He was at work himself, and not out that Friday. But he quickly found out what had happened, and the rumor that Kaare was dead. – When I read those messages, it really touched me. It gave so many impressions that I can not quite collect and describe. It was so painful to hear about, and read. Hesvik was out with a friend to mark pride, and looked forward to the parade on Saturday, Blix says. Killed right after his birthday Jon Isachsen was killed a few days after his birthday. On June 21, he turned 54 years old. Police write in a press release that the family describes him as a loving father who will be deeply missed. Isachsen was out with friends on Friday, among them Bjørn Inge Bergestuen, on the hottest night of the summer so far in Oslo. They were sitting at the nightclub “Per på Hjørnet” when the attack started. There were both Isachsen and Hesvik regulars, according to Bergestuen. Bjørn Inge Bergestuen survived the attack, but lost his good friend Jon Isachsen. Photo: Private – It all started with us hearing some bangs we first thought were china putters or similar. But when the glass on the outdoor terrace shattered, we quickly understood that this was serious, says Bergestuen. He says that most people throw themselves on the ground. – That was when I saw that my good friend was lying down and that some knowledgeable people were trying to revive, unfortunately without success. This is so unreal and sad. The Isachsen family has through their assistance lawyer conveyed that they want peace around the incident. Sleepless night The rest of the night, Bergestuen walked restlessly around the city streets. – At eight o’clock in the morning I went back to the scene to process the incident for myself, Bergestuen said on Saturday. He describes Jon as a man who made no difference to people, no matter who they were. A salesman from = Oslo who regularly visited the regular place, always got to sell his magazine to Jon. Isachsen leaves behind an adult son and a spouse. . Many friends Kaare Hesvik was someone who knew everyone, says Blix. The center of the table, the one who could talk equally well with both 20-year-olds and 80-year-olds. A man who made everyone feel included. And he was kind, says Blix. – Yes, he was just good and kind, really. The kindest man in the world. For example, he could easily go to town without drinking himself. And then offer to drive your friends home. He once offered to drive Blix all the way to Hardanger, when he was going there to visit relatives. – I remember I thought it was very kind of him. He was the kind of person who wanted to be there and help others. news spoke with Kristian on Sunday. Later that evening he was to meet his friends to remember Kaare. With tears, but also laughter. – I think that when we meet we will pay tribute to him, as the person he was. The way we knew him. He had a lot of irony and humor. So we have to laugh a little at the fun moments we’ve had, and remember a little, I think. An empty chair That Kaare Hesvik had many friends is also clear on his social media. Many of them have posted posts marked by the grief they feel. “A chair will be empty when we celebrate the wedding you were invited to,” writes one of them. “You were the man of care,” writes another. “Rest in peace, we will miss you, fine man.” Many laid flowers at the scene after the shooting. Photo: Helge Tvedten / news – Some people leave traces behind. He was one of them. Everything is tragic, says her friend Lena Andreassen. news has been in contact with Kaare’s ex-girlfriend and best friend. He does not want to speak to the media. The Isachsen family has through their assistance lawyer conveyed that they want peace around the incident. The police state that the families of the deceased do not want pictures of them published in the media.
