Dwellings evacuated after fire in Brønnøysund – news Nordland

Last time 01:00: The police have control of the fire in a workshop in Nordbygda in Brønnøysund. Extinguishing is still in progress, says operations manager Tommy Bech. – The workshop itself burns down, there is not much to salvage. Extinguishing work is underway to extinguish this completely. The fire has spread to the terrain and it is burning in an area that the fire service observes further up the terrain. – As of now, there is control that this will not spread to residential areas, says Bech. Earlier this evening, he stated that there is wind in the place and thus the risk of spreading. This is what it looked like when passers-by drove by the area earlier this evening. Photo: Private. On Friday evening, the police in Nordland reported that there was a fire in a workshop in Nordbygda in Brønnøysund. It was a neighbor in the area who alerted the police. – Full ignition – We received a report on 21.26 that there was a fire in a workshop building in Brønnøysund. When they got there, they saw that it was in full overdrive. That was said by Veronica Nylund, head of operations in the police in Nordland. The road on Mo is closed and seven homes in the area around the fire have now been evacuated. Several residences evacuated – There is a workshop with unknown what may be inside it in terms of explosion hazard. So we have seen a safety distance of 300 meters in the radius of the workshop, says Nylund. The police have no information as to what the cause is as of now. – We were on the scene quickly, but there was a good fire there, Nylund said. The police have not received information that there should have been people in the garage building. From the cordoned off area of ​​the town, you can see that there is a lot of smoke in the area, and several fires in the distance. Photo: Ole-Christian Olsen / news The municipality arranges accommodation As a result of the evacuation, the municipality has arranged premises for the evacuees. – The municipality has arranged accommodation for the evacuees if needed and we have a dialogue with the police, mayor Eilif Trælnes says in a text message. According to the police, nine people will receive an offer from the municipality. – We are looking at the possibilities to get the people on the north side, i.e. the wrong side, through the intervention area in a safe way, says operations manager Bech. No one injured He explains that they have not received a report that anyone will be injured. The police will maintain the roadblocks until further notice. – It would be unnatural to ask them to come back at 4 o’clock tonight. They have got another storage shed, so we will see how long we are dependent on maintaining these barriers. – As of now, we are focused on putting out the fire that is there. The police will then launch an investigation to clarify the cause of the fire. But we are now focused on getting all the surfaces down. The video was taken from the area that the police have cordoned off due to security concerns. Photo: Ole-Christian Olsen.
