Man stuck under truck train on Hemsedalsfjellet – news Vestland

A person was stuck under a train on national highway 52 on Hemsedalsfjellet. The man is liberated and conscious. – It is a little unclear what has happened, but we are told that a lorry train had problems, and the driver went out to put on a chain. Then another wagon train came by, and the man who was supposed to put on the chain got crushed under the wheel of the other wagon train. He was dragged over a short distance, says operations manager Terje Magnussen in the West police district. The man, who is in his 50s, was sitting in his wagon when the police arrived at the scene. The emergency services were notified of the incident at 08:39. The accident is said to have happened at Breistølen fjellstue. The man is transported by ambulance to Hemsedal. There he is met by the air ambulance, which could not get up the mountain due to bad weather. The fire service sent cars from both Lærdal and Hemsedal to the scene.
