Oslo Pride And Oslo Municipality arranges celebration at Rådhusplassen – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

After the shooting this weekend, all Pride events were canceled by the police. Even though people gather for a spontaneous parade on Saturday, it is still uncertain when Oslo Pride can hold official events. Nevertheless, the police have approved that they, together with the municipality of Oslo, can hold a marking on the town hall square. The marking will take place on Monday at 19.30, with musical elements and speeches. Important with a marking – Today, the entire queer movement has gathered in a meeting to find out how we should handle what happened on Saturday, says Inger Kristin Haugsevje, leader of Oslo Pride. Oslo Pride will still be able to gather people, even if they cannot go by train. Photo: MATHIAS MOENE RØD / news She encourages everyone to bring flags and slogans they should actually wear on Saturday. Although it will probably be a while before the environment can regroup in an official train, it is still important to gather. – This is a political celebration that we do in solidarity with those who were attacked. The municipality provides resources – It will be safe, the police are ready for that. Oslo Municipality is running with Rådhusplassen and NOK 500,000, says City Councilor Raymond Johansen. Oslo Municipality will provide resources. Photo: Birgitte Wold Ingebretsen He encourages everyone to show up in solidarity and ring around the queer environment. – Oslo must be an open, generous and inclusive city. Tomorrow there will be an important political celebration that we support, says Johansen. Oslo municipality set up crisis staff on Saturday morning to handle the incident, and the municipality’s crisis team has received calls from people who need to talk to someone.
