Theodor thought he was going to die from the coronary vaccine – received NOK 2,000 in compensation – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Friday 3 September last year, Theodor was on leave from his first service in the Armed Forces and was at home in Halden to receive his second coronary vaccine. At the vaccine center, he was offered the Moderna vaccine, which he accepted, even though he wanted the Pfizer vaccine. At first he felt normal side effects, such as flu symptoms. But on Sunday he felt that something was really wrong, and on Monday night he had to be taken to the emergency room. There he vomited and screamed in pain. – It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart, and there and then I thought I was going to die, says Theodor. Theodor was hospitalized for a short week at Kalnes Hospital in Østfold. The inflammation of the heart was caused by a strong immune response to the second dose of vaccine against the coronavirus. Photo: private Heart inflammation The 20-year-old was admitted to Østfold Hospital Kalnes where he was diagnosed with myocarditis – an inflammation of the heart. At the hospital, he was treated with painkillers and kept under supervision. Fortunately, he recovered quickly, and after a few days he was discharged. But the doctors told him to take it easy and not strain his heart too hard. Although myocarditis is a very rare side effect, the doctors realized quite early on that the condition could be linked to the vaccine, and encouraged Theodor to apply for compensation from the Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation (NPE). – I did not even know that it was a possibility, says Theodor. The goal was a career in the Armed Forces In the weeks and months after his hospital stay, Theodor gradually lost the physique he had acquired before joining the Armed Forces. There were many trips to the doctor, and gradually it dawned on him that the dream of admission to the War School would not be realized this year. For Theodor has long had a purposeful plan to make a career in the Armed Forces. Therefore, he hoped that the compensation from NPE would cover some of the strain and lost opportunities, as well as expenses in connection with treatment and medication. But when the decision came, he was very disappointed. He was paid 2,000 kroner in compensation. – It is a ridiculously low sum that barely covers anything, says Theodor. Does not cover for pain and burning Director Rolf Gunnar Jørstad at the Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation says 13 people have received compensation after inflammation of the heart. Photo: Ola Hana / news Theodor has released NPE from the duty of confidentiality so that director Rolf Gunnar Jørstad can comment on the case to news. – The compensation is a discretionary amount for expenses that we have assumed that he may have had as a result of the damage, Jørstad says. 2,000 kroner does not cover much, why so little? – It is connected with what is put on the table of information and documentation for expenses. In this case, we have meant that 2,000 kroner is a sum that will cover the expenses he may have incurred during that period, says the director. He further says that there is a lack of documentation that makes the plans for a career in the Armed Forces probable. – This is a temporary condition, and if you are to have compensation for a planned career that did not develop as you had hoped, it is important that you can substantiate and substantiate those plans to be able to arrive with a claim for compensation, says Jørstad. The director still understands that it may seem like a small sum based on the situation Theodor ended up in. – But we consider what kind of financial loss has been inflicted. We have no opportunity to cover compensation for torture and burning, says Jørstad. Theodor is an avid hunter, but also the interest in hunting had to be put on hold in the time after the inflammation in the heart. Now the form is fortunately better and training with a new puppy can soon begin. Photo: Paal Wergeland / news Over 600 cases So far, NPE has received 638 claims for compensation after the coronary vaccine. 56 have been upheld, but the vast majority are still being processed. See a complete overview at the bottom of the case – 413 cases are still being processed and it is connected with the fact that it is quite demanding to find out which conditions are connected with the vaccines. The cases are often reported shortly after vaccination, and before we have gained knowledge about possible connections, says Jørstad. Of the cases that have been decided, inflammation of the heart or pericardium constitutes the most cases with 13 cases: Pfizer: 4 cases Modern: 9 cases Age: 20–62 years Men: 10 cases Women: 3 cases Paid in total: NOK 71,800 Minimum payment NOK 1,000 Largest payment: NOK 28,000 Goes well with most Professor of Cardiology at Akershus University House (Ahus), Henrik Schirmer, says that the vast majority get rid of the ailments in the heart. Photo: Roy Pettersen / news Inflammation of the heart is a known side effect, and so far 455 cases have been reported to the Norwegian Medicines Agency after 11.3 million doses have been set in Norway. In the product information of Moderna and Pfizer, inflammation of the heart or pericardium is mentioned as a rare side effect. – Inflammation of the heart can also occur after coronavirus infection, says Henrik Schirmer, professor of cardiology at Akershus University House (Ahus). He has experience with both patients who have had heart inflammation after covid disease and coronary vaccination. – Heart inflammation after covid disease mainly affects the elderly, while inflammation after the vaccine mainly affects young men, he says. How are those who suffer from inflammation of the heart doing? “Fortunately, the vast majority get rid of the ailments without getting permanent injuries, but with virus-triggered heart inflammation, we have had a few who have had relapses,” says the professor. Side effects / damage by cause Inflammation of the pericardium / myocardium (pericarditis / myocarditis): 13 Skin rash: 10 VITT syndrome (vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia): 5 Blood clot (thrombosis / embolism): 4 Headache: 3 Anaphylactic shock: 2 Injection site infection: 2 Feeling sick: 3 Joint pain: 2 Dizziness: 2 Visual disturbance: 2 Bleeding disorder: 1 Guillain-Barré syndrome: 1 Paralysis: 1 Nerve damage after injection: 1 Kidney disease: 1 Breathing difficulties: 1 Total: 56 Source: NPE Do not regret So far, there is no indication that Theodor has sustained permanent injuries after the inflammation, but he still feels that it stings a little in the chest from time to time. – It has given me a shock, especially mentally. I often think about it when I go to bed. Now I am waiting for an MRI examination to see if everything is fine, but fortunately the ultrasound did not show defects in the heart. Has what happened changed your view of the vaccine? – I still see the vaccine as very important. There are very few who have had this side effect here, so I have had a lot of bad luck, says Theodor.
