Marina Silva wants to save the rainforest in Brazil – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is a milestone in the work to save Brazil’s rainforest: the Amazon Fund is reopened at a conference in Rio de Janeiro, and billions of kroner become available to the authorities. – This money was frozen for four years because the fund was out of business under the Bolsonaro government, says Brazil’s Environment Minister Marina Silva at the conference. Norway’s ambassador to Brazil sits in the place of honor next to the Minister of the Environment. The reason is that the Norwegian contribution makes up more than 90 per cent of the Amazon Fund. Norway’s ambassador at Marina Silva’s side during the reopening of the Amazonas fund. Photo: Arnt Stefansen / news – Norway’s contribution to the fund is fundamental, says Silva in an interview with news. – Norway was the first country to believe in the idea of ​​creating a separate system to protect the forest, the diversity of nature and the indigenous peoples. Popular in the environmental movement Brazilian President Lula da Silva appointed Marina Silva as Environment Minister after the change of government at New Year. It is being noticed around the world. She had the same job during Lula’s first presidential term from 2003, and Brazil’s environmental movement is very pleased that she is now back: – As environment minister, she showed that she not only has clear goals, but also the ability to achieve them, says the well-known environmental spokesperson , Marcio Astrini. Environment spokesman Marcio Astrini has high hopes for Brazil’s new environment minister. Photo: Márcia Alves / Observatorio do clima – Under her leadership, Brazil had a record-breaking decrease in deforestation in the Amazon, says Astrini to news. Marina Silva is one of Brazil’s best-known politicians. She has been a presidential candidate three times. In 2014, she was well ahead in the opinion polls for a long time, but lost in the first round of elections. The rainforest billion Amazon fund was created in 2008 by the then Lula government, and the idea was to finance projects that preserve the rainforest. In the same year, a Norwegian delegation came to Brazil to announce its support for the fund. And then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg made the following announcement: – Norway will contribute one million US dollars to the Amazon Fund for the protection of the Amazon rainforest. We want to do that because that is the way we can achieve the largest, fastest and cheapest reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, said Stoltenberg. Major challenges But in recent years, the world’s largest rainforest has been under tremendous pressure. During Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency, deforestation in the Amazon increased by more than 70 percent. The Lula government promises to reduce deforestation in the Amazon. Photo: Edmar Barros / AP The extensive crime in the area is an enormous challenge for the new government. – We must fight drug trafficking, arms trade, illegal fishing, illegal gold mining, illegal timber trade and illegal occupation of indigenous reserves, says Environment Minister Marina Silva. In this situation, the billions in the Amazon Fund are a very important resource, and Brazil’s government is now being promised new money for the fund. – We are in the process of connecting several new partners. Germany is increasing its share, and several other countries will contribute – among them the USA. In addition, there are private donors, says Marina Silva in the interview with news. – Will take time But Norway will still be by far the biggest donor to the Amazon Fund. And in the fight against environmental crime, large resources are needed, says Brazilian ambassador Odd Magne Ruud. – The reconstruction of the environmental police IBAMA, for example, is very, very important. We can contribute there, we hope. Odd Magne Ruud heads Norway’s embassy in Brazil. Photo: Arnt Stefansen / news – It was built down under Bolsonaro. Now they have to rebuild it, and get new people and new equipment, says the ambassador to news. Expectations for Brazil’s new government are high, and environmentalists around the world are hoping for quick results. But the experts warn: This can take time. – It will take time to make the necessary changes and to get concrete results. But the most important thing is that the government is on a new course, and shows this in practical work, says environmental spokesman Marcio Astrini. Barth Eide to Brazil Today, Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide is coming to Brazil. He will meet Marina Silva and several other Brazilian leaders. Espen Barth Eide in the Guaviare region of Colombia on Monday. Photo: Anne Grønlund / KLD This is the first visit to Brazil by a Norwegian minister after Lula da Silva took over power at New Year’s. Barth Eide also visits Colombia, where left-wing leader Gustavo Petro was installed as president last autumn. – Both Colombia and Brazil are showing leadership in the fight to reduce deforestation in the Amazon. I look forward to discussing further cooperation on climate and forests, says the Minister for Climate and Environment.
