Here the first volleys are fired in Rogfast – the world’s longest undersea road tunnel – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Today, the first salvo in the main races at Rogfast was fired. We really should have had a picture of that here. But: This is what news’s ​​go-pro camera looked like after it tried to capture the first salvo in the main run in Rogfast, the world’s longest underwater tunnel. Photo: Kaj Hjertenes / news Either way. The salve marks the start of the construction of the world’s longest undersea tunnel. It is 26.7 kilometers long and will run in two runs under the Boknafjorden in Rogaland, between Randaberg and Bokn. In addition, a tunnel arm to Kvitsøy of 3.7 kilometers will be built. The tunnel connects northern and southern Rogland, and is part of the ferry-free E39 project in Western Norway. It will be completed in 2033. – This is a big day both for Bokn and the entire region. Not to say the whole of Western Norway, says the mayor of Bokn, Osmund Våga. But not everyone is cheering. – The financing is unrealistic, that’s one thing. Secondly, Rogfast plans to increase commuting and increased car traffic in a large housing and employment market, instead of investing in clusters where people live and work within walking distance, says Alexander Rügert-Raustein, group leader in the Green Party (MDG) in the county council in Rogaland. Project manager Oddvar Kaarmo, mayor of Bokn municipality, Osmund Våga and project manager at Skanska, Anne Brit Moen. Photo: Kaj Hjertenes / news The cost frame is around NOK 25 billion. The state takes 40 percent of the bill. Motorists must pay the rest. – Rogfast can become a Ryfast in XXL format, says Rügert-Raustein – Unrealistic waste of money The MDG politician refers to the problems with the so far longest and deepest undersea tunnel in the world, which opened in 2019. Ryfast is also located in Rogaland. But traffic in the tunnel between Stavanger and Ryfylke has been lower than expected. This is where Rogfast will go. Photo: Statens vegvesen Now increased tolls are also being introduced for electric drivers to make the calculation go up. While commuters in Ryfylke are now protesting that the toll in Ryfast increases to NOK 165, the toll in Rogfast is set at NOK 393, i.e. more than twice as expensive. Adjusted for price increases, according to the MDG politician, there will be over NOK 500 to pay. With today’s ferry, the crossing costs NOK 193 for a car. At its deepest, Rogfast will go 393 meters below sea level. The price is set at approx. 25 billion in 2020 kroner. Photo: Vegvesenet – Even with the chip discount, the price will be over NOK 400 in Rogfast with 2033 prices, i.e. NOK 800 to get to and from work for a commuter. We are talking about NOK 4,000 a week. Hello! There is zero realism in it, says Rügert-Raustein. If it was up to the MDG, the ferry operation would continue. – Rogfast is a waste of the community’s money. We have a perfectly good transport solution today with four ferry departures per hour. There would have been no problem to electrify or switch to hydrogen ferries. Alexander Rügert-Raustein (MDG). Photo: Anders Haualand / news – Must keep the price down But business has worked hard for Rogfast. When the tunnel is in place, the journey time between Stavanger and Bergen will be reduced by around 40 minutes. – Shorter travel time is very important, especially for business along the coast, says county mayor in Rogaland, Marianne Chesak (Ap). – But can it be in the most expensive tier for ordinary motorists? – In that case, we have to see what we can do with the repayment period, so that the toll rate is as close as possible to today’s ferry prices. That is the goal. County mayor in Rogaland, Marianne Chesak. Photo: Lidvard Sandven / news Rogaland’s politicians have provided a guarantee of NOK 16 billion for Rogfast. – Work continues to achieve a division between the state and the county council when it comes to the guarantee, says Chesak.
