Marianne (19) can become the country’s youngest mayor – news Trøndelag

– I may have been a bit wrong, asked questions at home at the dinner table and got involved. That’s what Marianne Rossevatn says about where her political involvement started. The 19-year-old is a mayoral candidate in Hægebostad municipality in Agder. There she is on course to become Norway’s youngest mayor. Rossevatn comes from a politically engaged family, who discuss and can disagree. – I had to send a message to my mother and ask how many politicians I had in my family. And it emerged that there have been quite a few, on both sides. Now he is well placed to become the next mayor of the municipality. It was the Alting that mentioned the case first. Rossevatn thinks it is important to have good role models in politics. – We politicians must be aware that we are role models and what signal we send, she says. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news news met Rossevatn at the Center Party’s national meeting in Trondheim. At the weekend, members from all over the country gathered to adopt a new policy. Looking up to Mehl For the young mayoral candidate, party colleague and Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) has been an important role model. Kristin Ljosland, Emilie Enger Mehl and Marianne Rossevatn at the Center Party’s national meeting. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news – I believe that one must pave the way and show that it is possible to be a woman in politics. Especially in Agder, we are far behind and I think that it is extra important to have such role models. – We need role models like Emilie, underlines Rossevatn. Mehl is currently the youngest minister in government. At 28, she became the youngest ever Minister of Justice. It has inspired Rossevatn. – She is a great role model, especially for me who is a center youth and a young mayoral candidate. She was not alone in appearing at the Center Party’s national meeting. There was always someone there who wanted a picture with the Minister of Justice and Emergency. – It is pleasant that there is a good atmosphere and that people lift each other up. It’s nice to see many old acquaintances again and many new faces, Mehl said of the notice. The minister cheers on young people who want to enter politics and dare to get involved. She was also inspired by the young mayoral candidate. – Our democracy depends on people of all ages standing up and getting involved in the local communities they live in. I think it’s tough for Marianne to stand for election. It is inspiring, and I want it to close. She admits that it has not always been so easy to say her own opinions out loud. – But it is important to take the positive moments with you and to have a conscious relationship with what you allow to get into you. It is very nice to be here at the national meeting, and feel the community that you are actually a part of, continues Mehl. Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) on stage during the party’s national meeting in Trondheim. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Incitement scares away young politicians Ahead of the municipal and county council elections in the autumn, several parties are struggling to get young adults to stand for election. Incitement and harassment of politicians is pointed to as a central cause. – Politics can be tough, and there can be brutal debates and you can experience that people say a lot of strange things about you. That’s what Mehl says, who hopes young people, like Rossevatn, won’t be intimidated from getting involved in politics. Secretary General of Høgre Tom Erlend Skaug has previously told news that this is a concern shared by all parties. – I feel that there are many people who think it is demanding to stand for election because there are many people who are exposed to incitement, said Skaug. – There is an impression that women and young politicians are particularly vulnerable, he continues. Despite this, the young mayoral candidate in Hægebostad municipality has not experienced being harassed himself. – But I have seen others and thought “do I want to expose myself to that?”. But if you are thorough and do your job, you will make it, she adds.
