The MS association pays tribute to the openness of Vedum – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– I have got MS, Vedum confirmed to the national meeting hall on Friday morning. The confirmation came from the doctor after several unpleasant experiences in 2020, he says. – It made a strong impression on me when I learned that he had MS. I would like to praise Trygve for standing up and being open about a serious illness. I am happy that he is getting good help, and that the illness has stabilised, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre to news. Prime Minister Jonar Gahr Støre and Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum outside Klækken Hotell in Ringerike on a previous occasion. Photo: William Jobling / news The MS association expresses concern towards Vedum, and at the same time pays tribute to him for the openness he shows. – We know there are many people with MS who do not dare to be open about the disease because they are afraid of the consequences it can have, both in relation to work and private life. The fact that Vedum, in his position as Minister of Finance, stands openly in public, I think will have a lot to say to many people with MS. That’s what the general secretary of the MS association, Magne Wang Fredriksen, says. Secretary General of the MS Association, Magne Wang Fredriksen. Photo: Olav Heggø / Olav Heggø / Fotovisjon AS Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease that affects the central nervous system, according to Helse-Norge. Facts about MS Today it is estimated that over 13,000 people in Norway have MS. More than twice as many women as men have the disease. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks tissue in the brain and spinal cord. MS causes destruction of the insulating layer (myelin) around nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. The symptoms are due to malfunctions in the parts of the central nervous system that are affected. The disease manifests itself in the form of seizures (attacks). Some people experience only one or a few attacks, and will be able to live largely as normal. Others can become severely disabled after a long time with the disease. Common symptoms are disturbances in the sense of touch, vision problems, paralysis or so-called cognitive symptoms such as memory and concentration difficulties. The course of the disease and symptoms differ from person to person. Some people experience an attack only once, then the symptoms return. Others can become severely disabled after years of the disease. It is estimated that between eight and twelve people per 100,000 get the disease each year. This means that between 500 and 550 people per year get the disease, in a population of five million. (Source: MS-forbundet) – Will mean a lot Wang Fredriksen says that he has met Slagsvold Vedum on several occasions and says that he has always been interested and engaged in the MS case. – Openness and security around one’s illness is an important factor for many in order to live well with the illness. Vedum opened his national meeting speech by saying that he wanted to be personal. He had received the advice to be open from his wife Cathrine Wergeland. – This will mean a lot and give hope to many with MS. He shows that it is possible to hold a demanding job even if you get an MS. It takes courage to stand up in the position one holds, says Wang Fredriksen. Vedum at the Sp national meeting. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news In his conversations with Vedum, he has been told that the SP leader has a stable situation with little development of the disease. That thanks to the effect of highly effective medicine. – It is crucial that people with MS receive the correct diagnosis and can start early with the most effective form of treatment available for that particular person’s disease, says Wang Fredriksen. – Very sad Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug says that she has worked with MS for a long time. She hopes that his openness can contribute to increased focus on the fact that Norway needs to improve the offer for people with MS and other autoimmune diseases. – It was sad to read that Vedum has been diagnosed with MS. Trygve is a politician that I appreciate, even though we often disagree on issues. I would like to commend him for being open about the disease. Sylvi Listhaug together with Vedum. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum – It makes an impression to hear Trygve talk about this. It is very sad that he has contracted a serious illness that can affect anyone, at any time, says party leader in the Conservative Party, Erna Solberg, to news. The right-wing leader praises Vedum for his openness. – I hope he gets as good follow-up and treatment as possible. In Norway, fortunately, we have a fantastic health service. Trygve is a good man, and even though we are political opponents, I wish him all the best. Erna Solberg and Trygve Slagsvold Vedum photographed together during the election campaign in 2021. Photo: Eivind Molde SV leader Audun Lysbakken also says it was powerful to hear Vedum talk about the disease. – But also good to hear how he has been looked after by the healthcare system. I very much agree with him in emphasizing how valuable the community and the welfare state are when illness strikes, and send good thoughts to Trygve, says Lysbakken to news. SV leader Audun Lysbakken, Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre and SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum Photo: Torstein Bøe / Torstein Bøe – Warm and nice person KrF leader Olaug Bollestad says that it is incredibly sad to hear that Vedum has MS. – His openness and the way he handles it is exemplary, she says to news. – Trygve is a nice and warm person whom I really appreciate, and wish all the best, she adds. Venstre leader Guri Melby says there is great respect for Vedum choosing to be open about such a serious and unpredictable disease as MS. – He is, and has been, in a very vulnerable situation, which only those living with MS can really understand, says Melby. – Politics means little in such situations, health is much more important. I wish Trygve and his family all the best.
